
The Microsoft CA testing for inclusion within the FBCA commenced in September 2001. However, this version of the operating system was in a beta release (at the time called .NET server beta release 3). As a result, Microsoft and the FBCA OA agreed to keep this version of their product operating in the Prototype FBCA. This helped to facilitate testing of further beta products and the final release product from Microsoft.

In April 2003, the production version of the Windows Server 2003 CA was released. The FBCA OA team repeated the interoperability testing to ensure no discrepancies had developed that may affect the test results.

The production Windows Server 2003 CA product successfully demonstrated the ability to meet the requirements for interoperability within the FBCA membrane. As a result, the Federal PKI Policy Authority approved it in November 2003 to be included in the FBCA architecture.

The FBCA OA procured this product to install in June 2004.

Page Last Updated: 10 Nov 2004