USGS Science for a changing world

San Francisco Bay Area Regional Database (BARD)

The DRGs available on BARD were produced by Teale Data Center in a cooperative effort with the
US Geological Survey. They have been compressed using free software packagegzip.
The projection of the DRGS is Albers Projection NAD27. This differs from the rest of the BARD data which is in UTM. Each file has an associated world file (.tfw) that georeferences the image. When you download the .tif data file also download the .tfw world file in order to georeference the image during display. The DRG files vary in size from 1.5 Megabytes to as large as 20 Megabytes.


    SACRAMENTO DRGs : Index Map

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1:24,000 digital map data base
DEMs , DLGs , DRGs , DOQs
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