U.S. Census Bureau

General and Reference

General and Reference data covers age, agriculture, and Asian Americans; it includes condominimums, crime, and capital costs. The reason for its variety: It describes reference guides and statistical anthologies, each spanning a myriad of social and economic facts.

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Return to Publications

(Note: File size is indicated for files of 1 Mb or more)

CCDB County and City Data Book: 2007, 2000
SMADB State and Metropolitan Area Data Book: 2006, 1997-98 PDF
MSO/06-INTRO Resources at www.census.gov PDF
MSO/07-AFF American FactFinder Brochure PDF
MSO/06-DFB DataFerrett for TheDataWeb PDF
MSO-05AWFY The U.S. Census Bureau: At Work for You PDF
MSO/04-ESTEP 4 Easy Steps to Census 2000 Data on American FactFinder PDF
FHWAR National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife
PIO/07-ML Minority Links: Spotlighting our Nation's Minorities PDF
IF 070918 Industry Focus (Local Employment Dynamics) PDF
DSSD/03-DM Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation of Census 2000: Design and Methodology. PDF
PRODPR/ Product Profiles
LED/OW Local Employment Dynamics, A Profile of Older Workers
LED/OW2004 Local Employment Dynamics, The Geographic Distribution and Characteristics of Older Workers: 2004
CLO/03-CIC Using Census Data to Help Local Communities: Census Information Centers at WorkPDF
CONMONO2 Census Confidentiality and Privacy: 1790-2002 PDF
ADFA-00 Financial Report, 2000 PDF
BC-1428RV The U.S. Census Bureau Respects Your Privacy and Keeps Your Personal Information Confidential PDF
BC-1428SP La Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos respeta su privacidad y mantiene su informacion personal confidencial PDF
DIR/07-RFP Research Opportunities at the Census Bureau, The ASA/NSF/Census Bureau Research Fellow Program
OH Oral History: Interviews
POL/02-MA Measuring America: The Decennial Census From 1790 to 2000
  Histories of the Economic Census
  Procedural Histories of the Decennial Census
POL/00-ASI Age Search Information Manual PDF
ARC96 1996 Annual Research Conference Proceedings
ACS-AFF Finding American Community Survey Data in American FactFinder PDF
ADDC/05-ACSQA American Community Survey (Questions and Answers)
Also available in Chinese , Spanish , Korean , Russian , and Vietnamese PDF
  Census and You (Newsletter)
CENBR Census Briefs
  Census Catalog and Guide
MSA/97-7 Census CD-Rom Products PDF
CFF Census Factfinder for the Nation
CAC/97-00 Minutes of the Census Advisory Committee of the Professional Associations
MPA Monthly Product Announcement
  Statistical Abstract of the United States
  Telephone Contacts for Data Users

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau