Carnegie Mellon University
Inspire Innovation. The Campaign for Carnegie Mellon University
What's happening at Carnegie Mellon University
TechBridgeWorld presents its Second Annual Interactive Event, where you'll learn how technology impacts developing communities in Africa and around the world.
Event: Dec. 4, 2008
The Kiltie Band presents its 25th Annual Holiday Concert under the direction of Paul Gerlach. Refreshments will be served. The band is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year.
Event: Dec. 4, 2008
The School of Music presents its annual Holiday Concert, under the direction of Robert Page. The concert features the Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic, the Concert Choir and Repertory Chorus.
Event: Dec. 5, 2008
The Student Dormitory Council, the School of Music, Student Senate and Student Affairs present the 2008 Madrigal Dinner, an exciting event for young and old and a wonderful way to usher in the holiday season.
Event: Dec. 6, 2008
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University at Buffalo (UB), State University of New York, are collaborating on a five-year, $4.7 million effort to advance public transportation for people with disabilities by bringing together computer science technology and the principles of universal design.
Released: Dec. 4, 2008
A recent Carnegie Mellon University CyLab survey of corporate board directors reveals a gap in board and senior executive oversight in managing cyber risks.
Released: Dec. 2, 2008
Carnegie Mellon University engineering students will showcase innovative product designs, including a new foldout toaster, a novel ski boot attachment and an automatic safety lock for baby strollers to prevent it from moving when parents are not holding the stroller handle.
Event: Dec. 8, 2008
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