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Ianthe Zabel

R. David Gary

Office of External Affairs

Release: 5439-08
For Release: January 18, 2008

CFTC Chairman Announces Appointment of New York, Chicago and Kansas City Regional Administrators

Washington, DC — Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Acting Chairman Walter Lukken announced the creation of the position of Regional Administrator and the selection of the following individuals to serve in these newly-established positions:

    • New York Regional Office, Steve Obie

    • Chicago Regional Office, Bill Kokontis

    • Kansas City Regional Office, Tom Bloom

“I am extremely grateful to Steve, Bill and Tom for their tremendous commitment to the Commission and its mission, and their willingness to assume the additional responsibilities that these roles will require,” said CFTC Acting Chairman Walt Lukken. “Serving as the local and regional points of contact for federal and exchange community officials will be critical to improving communication among all CFTC locations and fulfilling our public mission.”

Specifically, the Regional Administrators will play a vital role in:

    • sustaining communication between the regional offices and CFTC headquarters;

    • serving as the official representative of the CFTC within the Federal community in their region;

    • serving as the official representative of the CFTC with the exchanges and other members of the regulated community;

    • meeting with and hosting international visitors and delegations;

    • developing, implementing and sustaining the continuity of operations program within their region, to manage an emergency or break in continuity of operations.

Last Updated: January 17, 2008