0readme.txt DOS ASCII file that describes the digital data for U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-321, 12/10/2001, pd Howland, A.L. and Moyer, L.A., 2001, Chromite deposits in central part Stillwater Complex, Sweet Grass County, Montana: A digital database for the geologic map of the east slope of Iron Mountain: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-321, version 1.0, 26 p., 1 digital plate, scale 1:3077. Received Directory's Approval on September 7, 2001. URL = http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov/open-file/of01-321/ This report describes the contents of a digital data set which consists of ArcInfo exchange-format files and associated macro programs. A page-sized, color version of the digital geologic map is included in the report. The data set also includes macro programs and complete plot files for creating a paper copy of the map at a scale of 1:3077. The data set is available on the World Wide Web at http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov/open-file/of01-321/. It is also available via anonymous FTP from: geopubs.wr.usgs.gov, in the directory: pub/open-file/of01-321. Requirements: A networked computer system is required to copy the data set from the host computer across the Internet. A geographic information system (GIS) capable of importing ArcInfo exchange-format files is required for access to the digital files. The plot files are stored in encapsulated PostScript format (ironmtn.eps) and Adobe Acrobat portable document format (ironmtn-map.pdf). The digital data files are in UNIX ASCII format. *************************************************** Explanation of digital data files: The GIS for the Iron Mountain area is available as one UNIX compressed TAR file, ironmtn.tar.Z, which includes the report text (ironmtn.pdf) in an Adobe Acrobat Portable Document File (PDF) format. To download the GIS data files, create a new workspace in a UNIX working environment and copy the ironmtn.tar.Z file to your new workspace. Use the command 'uncompress -v ironmtn.tar.Z' to uncompress the file. Then use the command 'tar -xvf ironmtn.tar' to extract the files from the TAR file. And finally, to import the ArcInfo exchange-format files (*e00) into your workspace, open ArcInfo on your workstation and enter '&run importfile' at the Arc prompt. Your working directory should contain the following files: 00readme.txt - this file in UNIX ASCII format 0readme.txt - this file in DOS ASCII format importfile.aml - ArcInfo program to import ArcInfo interchange-format files into the user's workspace. ironmtn.pdf - Open-File Report text in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document File (PDF) format. Primary ArcInfo exchange-format files (*.e00) and metadata (*.met) include: ironmtn.e00 - principal line and polygon geologic map coverage ironmtnp.e00 - point GIS for structural symbols ironmtn.met - metadata file Additional ArcInfo exchange-format files (*.e00) necessary to re-create the digital geologic map: fnt026.e00 - font 26 fnt027.e00 - font 27 fnt035.e00 - font 35 fnt037.e00 - font 37 fnt038.e00 - font 38 fnt039.e00 - font 39 fnt040.e00 - font 40 geol_dia.lin.e00 - lineset geoscamp2.mrk.e00 - markerset imquad.e00 - map area boundary wpgcmyk.shd.e00 - shadeset ArcInfo AML, graphics, key, and text files necessary to re-create the geologic map: importfile.aml - program to import Arc interchange-format (*e00) files ironmtn.aml - program to create graphics file of the geologic map linebar.aml - program to plot scale bar indx_irmt.gra - index map graphic file usgslogo.gra - USGS visual identity irmt-lin.key - lineset symbol values and descriptive text for lines on the map sheet irmt-pnt.key - markerset symbol values and descriptive text for map symbols (markers) on the map sheet irmt-pol.key - shadeset symbol values and descriptive text for geologic map units on the map sheet geo.prj - a text file used to identify real-world (geographic) coordinates - for use in adding latitude and longitude notation around the margins of the map. msp.prj - a text file to identify Montana South (zone 4526) State Plane coordinate system - for use in adding latitude and longitude notation around the margins of the map. irmt-crd.txt - text file listing map credits irmt-dis.txt - text file for USGS disclaimer irmt-ref.txt - text file listing map references Plotter calibration file: cal.dat - the color calibration file used in the ArcInfo 'HPGL2' command to create plot files of the plates for plotting on the USGS HP650C in the Spokane Field Office. This file is a custom file for this particular plotter. Other plotters will require their own custom color calibration file. Encapsulated PostScript (*.eps) and Adobe portable document format (*.pdf) plot files for the digital geologic map (scale 1:3077): ironmtn.eps ironmtn-map.pdf