Ad hoc Committee

Seven Panamanian citizens were selected to form the Ad-hoc Committee that will receive periodic progress reports on the execution of the Panama Canal Expansion Program. These progress reports, regulated by Law 28 of 2006, are meant to guarantee the program’s transparency.

The committee and its members were officially instated by Executive Decree signed by the President of Panama, Martín Torrijos, in compliance with the above-mentioned law, which was ratified in referendum last October.

The President endorsed the committee members after they were selected by their respective sectors as representatives for observing the project’s contracting and execution processes.

The committee is formed by:

Based on Law 28, the Executive Branch will summon this committee quarterly to analyze, evaluate, and make observations or recommendations on the construction of the third set of locks, under execution by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP).

As a complement to the transparency policies adopted by the Canal administration since 1999, the ACP is committed to maintaining the best accountability standards when informing the general public on every aspect of the Expansion Program.

Also in pursuance of the above-mentioned legislation, the ACP publishes additional information to allow potential contractors to participate in all of the bidding processes related to the construction of the third set of locks.

To that same effect, Law 28 also establishes other norms to guarantee transparency and accountability such as the quarterly reports submitted to the National Assembly, the Executive Branch, and the General Comptroller’s Office. Additionally, the ACP publishes a report address to all stakeholders.