Table 10. Other Clinical Predictors of Disease Response or Survival


Prognostic Factor

Studies Indicating an Association and Quality

Strength of Association with Tumor Response

Strength of Association with Survival

Performance status

Poor vs. good performance status at baseline

Heinrich, et al., 2003
(quality = 6/6)47

Verweij, et al., 2004
(quality = 6/6)49

HR:  1.57 (1.18-2.1)
p = 0.0022*

No significant relationship

HR:  2.8 (1.57-5.02)
p = 0.0005*

Dose of imatinib

600 mg vs. 400 mg dose

Heinrich, et al., 2003
(quality = 6/6)47

HR:  0.57 (0.36-0.91) 
p = 0.018*



Elevated creatinine at baseline vs. not elevated

Heinrich, et al., 2003
(quality = 6/6)47


HR:  2.9 (0.86-9.80)
p = 0.0866*

Prior chemotherapy

Prior chemotherapy vs. no prior chemotherapy

Heinrich, et al., 2003
(quality = 6/6)47


HR:  2.6 (0.98-7.06) 
p = 0.0558*

Abbreviations:  PET = FDG positive emission tomography; CT = computed tomography; TTP = time to progression; OS = overall survival; EFS = event free survival; HR = hazard ratio; RECIST = RECIST response criteria—go to Table 2; NS = not significant

*In this study hazard rations greater than one are predictive of poorer prognosis.

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