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Fraud Advisory from the CFTC: Commodity Trading Systems Sold on the Internet

Beware of websites selling commodity trading systems that guarantee high profits with minimal risks.

The CFTC has seen an increase in the number of Internet websites fraudulently promoting commodity trading systems and advisory services. These websites falsely claim, among other things, that advertised performance results are based on real trading when, in fact, the results are based on hypothetical trading.

No trading system can guarantee profits! The CFTC urges you to be skeptical when promoters of trading systems and advisory services claim that their products and services will earn high profits with minimal risks. Always remember that whether or not a trading system is used, commodity futures and options are typically high-risk endeavors.

Be warned that systems which trigger frequent trading signals as part of a day trading strategy can result in substantial commissions and fees.

What Are Commodity Trading Systems?

Commodity trading systems typically are computerized programs that signal members of the public when to buy and sell commodity futures and options contracts. Systems produce buy and sell signals based on mathematical formulas and are typically based on technical analysis of trading data (trading volume and prices), as opposed to fundamental analysis (analysis of economic factors such as supply and demand).

Trading systems that are based on technical analysis attempt to predict future price movements based on historical prices, price relationships, and price trends.

Hypothetical Trading Results Can Be Unreliable

Many trading system promoters advertise their systems by reporting hypothetical trading results.

Hypothetical trading results typically are based on trading simulations using historical price data or simulated "real time" computer trading.

To obtain these results, trading system promoters typically pretend that they traded futures contracts at market prices that occurred some time in the past. They then calculate the trading results that these purported trades would have achieved had they been placed, based on actual historical prices. These results often show impressive trading results and large net profits with only a few, small margin calls.

Limitations of Hypothetical Trading Results

Because of all these limitations of hypothetical trading results, CFTC rules require that the presentation of hypothetical trading results be accompanied by a specific cautionary statement warning of the inherent limitations of these results.

If you are considering trading commodity futures or options, you should educate yourself about futures and options and be aware that you may lose large sums of money.

Is a Futures/Options Trading System Right For You?

Last Updated: June 18, 2007