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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Suicide Bomber Stopped Near Checkpoint Before Attack

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, July 14, 2005 – Iraqi and Task Force Baghdad forces wounded and captured a suicide bomber today before he could blow himself up near a coalition checkpoint in central Baghdad.

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An Iraqi explosive ordnance detonation team disarms a suicide bomber vest outside an International Zone checkpoint today. The suicide bomber was shot and captured after attempting to run away from the scene. Photo courtesy U.S. Army

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A second suicide bomber did detonate himself before forces could apprehend him, officials reported.

They said the two suicide bombers approached the checkpoint shortly before 9 a.m. after an earlier car bomb exploded near there. As one bomber carried out his attack, killing himself, the second bomber tried to flee the scene.

The military said Iraqi police shot and wounded him and discovered an explosive vest while they were evacuating him.

An Iraqi explosive ordnance detonation team disarmed the vest.

"The actions of the Iraqi police on the scene prevented an act of terrorism in Baghdad today along with the deaths of innocent Iraqi people," said Col. Ed Cardon, 4th Brigade Combat Team commander.

"Once again, improved security measures are working. The Iraqi police and Iraqi EOD team performed their jobs well. These suicide bombers failed in their mission, while the police succeeded in theirs," said Cardon. "I am in awe of the bravery of the Iraqi EOD specialist that disarmed the vest on the wounded suicide bomber at great risk to his own life.

"These suicide attacks are acts of terrorism that show wanton disregard for the Iraqi people and the forces that are working to improve security," said Cardon.

Also today, the military reported that Iraqi Intervention Forces conducting a targeted raid in Ramadi that captured two suspected insurgents July 13.

One detainee matched the physical description of an improvised explosive device triggerman, and the second individual was in possession of terrorist propaganda.

Two more terror suspects were detained after their vehicle was stopped on a major highway in west Baghdad July 12. Military officials said the vehicle, a gray BMW, matched the description of one used during a July 11 attack.

Inside the vehicle, soldiers found almost 2.5 million Iraqi dinar and $2,700 in U.S. currency.

The suspects also carried several fake identification cards, each with a different name, and multiple passport-sized photos.

Traces of explosives were also discovered in the vehicle.

On July 11, Task Force Baghdad soldiers captured several terror suspects, including four believed to be senior members of a terror cell in the Beida district.

After detaining the four individuals, the soldiers went to a nearby lumberyard thought to be used as a weapons cache site and uncovered a number of freshly buried AK-47 assault rifles and detained more suspects.

(Based on Task Force Baghdad and Multinational Force Iraq news releases.)

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Multinational Force Iraq