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Industry Filings

Listing of New Products for Clearing by a Derivatives Clearing Organization

Products for Which a Derivatives Clearing Organization is Required to File a Submission with the CFTC

A derivatives clearing organization (DCO) that accepts for clearing a product that is traded on a designated contract market (DCM) or derivatives transaction execution facility (DTEF) need not notify the CFTC.

A DCO that accepts for clearing a product that is not traded on a DCM or DTEF must notify the CFTC by filing a self-certification, as described below.

Procedures for Listing a Product for Clearing by a Derivatives Clearing Organization

    1. The DCO must file its submission electronically with the Secretary of the CFTC at and at the regional office having local jurisdiction over the DCO (to determine the correct regional office, consult CFTC Regulation 140.2).

    2. The submission must include:

      a. A Submission Cover Sheet that must be filled out in accordance with the instructions in Appendix D to Part 40;

      b. A copy of the rules establishing the terms and conditions of the listed product that make it acceptable for clearing;

      c. The intended listing date; and

      d. A certification by the DCO that the product to be listed complies with the Commodity Exchange Act and the regulations thereunder.

Deadline for Listing a Product for Clearing

The CFTC must receive the DCO’s submission at its headquarters by the close of business (4:45 p.m. in Washington, DC) on the business day preceding the day the DCO accepts the product for clearing.

Obtaining Approval of the Clearing of a Product by a Derivatives Clearing Organization

A DCO may request approval of the rules establishing the terms and conditions of the listed product that make it acceptable for clearing. See Requesting Prior Approval of a New DCO Rule or Rule Amendment.

Last Updated: October 25, 2007