Table 1. Excluded Studies

Author, Year (Reference) Reason for Exclusion
Allen et al., 198051 No adjustment for the effect of other risk factors on the relative risk for an abnormal result on exercise tolerance testing.
Aronow et al., 197552,53 No adjustment for the effect of other risk factors on the relative risk for an abnormal result on exercise tolerance testing.
Cumming et al., 197554 No adjustment for the effect of other risk factors on the relative risk for an abnormal result on exercise tolerance testing.
Elamin et al., 198255 Diagnostic use in symptomatic patients
Fadayomi et al., 198756 Unclear ascertainment of end points
Froelicher et al., 197457 No adjustment for the effect of other risk factors on the relative risk for an abnormal result on exercise tolerance testing.
Froelicher et al., 197758 Did not report the total number of persons screened
Gerson et al., 198859 Did not report the independent risk for a positive result on exercise tolerance testing
Gianrossi et al., 198960 Diagnostic use in symptomatic patients
Goodman et al., 198961 Participants had history of cardiovascular disease
Gupta et al., 198362 Did not report independent risk for a positive result on exercise tolerance testing
Hopkirk et al., 198463 Did not report the total number of persons screened
MacIntyre et al., 198164 No adjustment for the effect of other risk factors on the relative risk for an abnormal result on exercise tolerance testing.
Manca et al., 198265 Did not report the independent risk for a positive result on exercise tolerance testing
Mark et al., 198966 Participants had history of cardiovascular disease
McHenry et al., 198467 No adjustment for the effect of other risk factors on the relative risk for an abnormal result on exercise tolerance testing.
Melin et al., 198168 Diagnostic use in symptomatic patients
Pedersen et al., 199169 No adjustment for the effect of other risk factors on the relative risk for an abnormal result on exercise tolerance testing.
Roger et al., 199870 Included symptomatic patients without sub-analysis
Rubler et al., 198771 No adjustment for the effect of other risk factors on the relative risk for an abnormal result on exercise tolerance testing.
Selvester et al., 199672 Used a screening protocol that employed multiple technologies
Tubau et al., 198973 No adjustment for the effect of other risk factors on the relative risk for an abnormal result on exercise tolerance testing.
Uhl et al., 198174 Did not report the total number of persons screened

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