Appendix Figure 1. Screening for Postmenopausal Osteoporosis. Analytic Framework

See Text Description below

Key Questions

Arrow 1: Does screening using risk factor assessment and/ or bone density testing reduce fractures?
Arrow 2: Does risk factor assessment accurately identify women who may benefit from bone density testing?
Arrow 3: Do bone density measurements accurately identify women who may benefit from treatment?
Arrow 4: What are the harms of screening?
Arrow 5: Does treatment reduce the risk of fractures in women identified by screening?
Arrow 6: What are the harms of treatment?

The analytic framework is a schematic outline used to define the population, preventive service, diagnostic or therapeutic interventions, and intermediate and health outcomes considered in the review. The arrows represent key questions that the evidence must answer, and demonstrate the chain of logic that evidence must support, to link the preventive service to improved health outcomes.

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