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Using LED Tools

  • Drop-In Article for Your Publications and Newsletters:  A ready-to-print (drop-in) introductory article on LED tools is available for use in your newsletters and listservs. The Census Bureau-approved article can be modified to change the contact person to someone on your local staff or to provide specific data for your area.

  • QWI Online Bookmark [PDF; File Size: 104KB] shows the selection options, eight measures, and the results for a WIA on one side and important information about new hires and new hire wages for the LED partner states on the other side.

  • 4 Easy Steps: QWI Online: [PDF; File Size: 252KB] details four easy steps, complete with screen shots, to access detailed industry information for your local area in QWI Online.

  • Sample information using LED tools for
        Local employers [PDF; File Size: 122KB]
        Local workers [PDF; File Size: 114KB]

  • Skinning. LED analytical tools can be hosted by state partners so that it looks as if the analytic tools run from the state website.
        QWI Online hosted by New Mexico
        Industry Focus hosted by Indiana

  • Determining Top Industries for Older Women [PDF; File Size: 40.0KB]

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Economic Studies · Contact Us ·  Last Revised: October 30, 2008

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