Table 3. Randomized Controlled Trials of Pharmacotherapy Interventions

Study, Year Drug Dose (mg) Co-Interventions Sample Size (N), Race, Sex, Agea, Baseline BMIb Length, Goal Groups Weight Change Between-Group Differencesc P Value Patients Lost to Followup and Adverse Events Trial Quality
Wirth and Krause, 200188 15 mg daily either continuous or intermitten All participants: no formal diet, exercise, or behavioral program

Written dietary information

N: 1102
White: 99.8%
Female: 77%

Cont: 43 yrs
Int: 43 yrs
Placebo: 44 yrs

Cont: 34.7 kg/m2
Int: 34.9 kg/m2
Placebo: 35.0 kg/m2
44 wks,
Sibutramine cont -3.8 kg -3.6 kg < 0.001 Sibutramine (continuous):
Dropout: 79/405
Due to adverse event: 25/405
Adverse event rate: 303/405

Sibutramine (intermittent):
Dropout: 80/395
Due to adverse event: 13/395
Adverse event rate: 283/395

Dropout: 55/201
Due to adverse event: 9/201
Adverse event rate: 151/201
Sibutramine int -3.3 kg -3.1 kg  
Placebo -0.2 kg    
  5% loss:    
Sibutramine con 65% 30% < 0.001
Sibutramine int 63% 28%  
Placebo 35%    
  10% loss:    
Sibutramine con 32% 19% < 0.001
Sibutramine int 33% 20%  
Placebo 13%    
Dujovne et al, 200185 20 mg daily D
All participants:
Step I American Heart Association Diet (1500 kcal/d for females, 1800 kcal/day for males)
N: 322
White: 82%
Black: 12%
Indian or Pakistani: 1%
Mexican American: 2%
Other: 3%

Drug: 56% female
Placebo: 51% female

Drug: 45 yrs
Placebo: 46 yrs

Sibutramine: 35.1 kg/m2
Placebo: 35.5 kg/m2
24 wks,
Sibutramine -4.9 kg -4.3 kg < 0.05 Sibutramine:
Dropout: 29.6%
Due to adverse event: 9.9%
Due to hypertension: 0.6%

Dropout: 33.8%
Due to adverse event: 6.9%
Due to hypertension: 1.9%
Placebo -0.6 kg    
  5% loss:    
Sibutramine 42% 34% < 0.05
Placebo 8%    
  10% loss:    
Sibutramine 12% 9% < 0.05
Placebo 3%    
Fujioka et al, 200086 Titrated up to 20 mg daily D
All participants:
250-500 kcal/d caloric deficit diet with individual dietary counseling
N: 175
White: 73%
Black: 17%
Other: 10%
Female: 47%

Sibutramine: 53.5 yrs
Placebo: 55.0 yrs

Sibutramine: 34.1 kg/m2
Placebo: 33.8 kg/m2
24 wks,
Sibutramine -3.7 kg -3.3 kg < 0.5 Sibutramine:
Dropout: 29/89
Due to adverse event: 9/89

Dropout: 25/86
Due to adverse event: 10/86
Placebo -0.4 kg    
  5% loss:    
Sibutramine 27% 26% < 0.001
Placebo 1%    
  10% loss:    
Sibutramine 6% 5% 0.12
Placebo 1%    
Gokcel et al, 200132 10 mg bid D
All participants:
25 kcal/kg ideal body weight diet, with counseling at baseline
N: 60
Race: NR
Female: 100%

Sibutramine: 47 yrs
Placebo: 49 yrs

Sibutramine: 39.3 kg/m2
Placebo: 37.4 kg/m2
24 wks,
Sibutramine -3.9 kg -4.3 kg < 0.0001 Sibutramine:
Dropout: 1/30
Due to adverse event: 1/30
Dropout: 5/30
Due to adverse event: NR
Placebo 0.36 kg
Smith and Goulder, 200187 10 mg or 15 mg daily D
All participants:
dietary advice
N: 485
White: 99%
Other: 1%
Female: 80%

Sibutramine: 10 mg: 41 yrs
15 mg: 43 yrs
Placebo: 42 yrs

10 mg group: 32.9 kg/m2
15 mg group: 32.7 kg/m2
Placebo: 32.4 kg/m2
52 wks,
10 mg
-4.4 kg -2.8 kg < 0.01 Sibutramine 10 mg:
Dropout: 67/161
Due to adverse event: 2/161
Adverse event rate: 20/161

Sibutramine 15 mg:
Dropout: 79/161
Due to adverse event: 2/161 Adverse event rate: 18/161

Dropout: 83/163
Due to adverse event 4/163
Adverse event rate: 24/163
15 mg
-6.4 kg -4.8 kg  
Placebo -1.6 kg    
  5% Loss:    
10 mg
19% < 0.01
15 mg
57% 37%  
Placebo 20%    
  10% Loss    
10 mg
19% 12% < 0.01
15 mg
34% 27%  
Placebo 7%    
McNulty et al, 200333 15-20 mg daily D
Standard dietary advice by a dietitian or nurse
N: 195
Race: NR
Female: 56%
15 mg group:
49 yrs
20 mg group:
48 yrs
51 yrs

15 mg group:
36.3 kg/m2
20 mg group:
37.5 kg/m2
Placebo: 36.2 kg/m2
12 mos,
15 mg
-5.5 kg -5.3 kg < 0.001 Sibutramine 15 mg:
Dropout: 19/68
Due to adverse event: NR

Sibutramine 20 mg:
Dropout: 13/62
Due to adverse event: NR

Dropout: 18/64
Due to adverse event: NR
20 mg
-8.0 kg -7.8 kg < 0.001
Placebo -0.2 kg    
  5% Loss:    
15 mg
46% 34% Sibutramine "significantly more"
20 mg
65% 53%
Placebo 12%  
  10% Loss:    
15 mg
14% 14% NR
20 mg
27% 27%

James et al, 200084 10-20 daily D,E,B
All participants: high intensity individualized 600 kcal deficit diet
N: 467
"Almost all" white
Afro-Caribbean: 2%
Asian: 1.5%
Female: 84%

Sibutramine: 41 yrs
Placebo: 40 yrs

Sibutramine: 36.5 kg/m2
Placebo: 36.6 kg/m2
80 wks,
M (following 6 mos L phase)
-8.9 kg -4 kg < 0.001 Sibutramine:
Dropout: 148/352
Due to adverse event: 48/352

Dropout: 58/115
Due to adverse event: 6/115
Placebo -4.9 kg    
  Maintaining >80% of original loss:    
Sibutramine 41%    
Placebo 14% 27% < 0.001
Muls et al, 200191 120 mg D
All participants:
moderate-intensity dietary advice from a dietitian (-600 kcal/day)
N: 294
Race: NR

Orlistat: 82% Female
Placebo: 78% Female

Orlistat: 50 yrs
Placebo: 48 yrs
33 kg/m2s
24 wks, L Orlistat -4.66 kg -2.78 kg < 0.001 Orlistat
Dropout: 19/147 (13%)
Adverse event rate: 80%d
GI Adverse event: 64%

Dropout: 16/147 (11%)
Adverse event rate: 67%
GI adverse event rate: 38%
Placebo -1.88 kg    
  Mean Change:    
Orlistat -5.3% -3% < 0.001
Placebo -2.3%    
  5% loss:    
Orlistat 64% 25% NR
Placebo 39%    
  10% loss:    
Orlistat 23% 10% NR
Placebo 13%    
Van Gaal et al, 199889 30, 60, 120, or 240 mg tid D
All participants:
high-intensity dietary advice from a dietitian
N: 613
Race: NR
Female: 77%
Range: 40-44 yrs (varied by group)
34-35 kg/m2 (varied by group)
52 wks,
Orlistat: 30 mg -8.5% -2% < 0.001 Orlistat 30 mg:
Dropout: 29/122
Due to adverse event: 7/122
Adverse event rate: 79%

Orlistat 60 mg:
Dropout: 29/124
Due to adverse event: 6/124
Adverse event rate: 83%

Orlistat 120 mg:
Dropout: 23/122
Due to adverse event: 2/122
Adverse event rate: 84%

Orlistat 240 mg:
Dropout: 20/120
Due to adverse event: 3/120
Adverse event rate: 87%

Dropout: 27/125
Due to adverse event 3/125
Adverse event rate: 69%
Orlistat: 60 mg -8.8% -2.3%
Orlistat: 120 mg -9.8% -3.3%
Orlistat: 240 mg -9.3% -2.8%
Placebo -6.5%  
  10% Loss:    
Orlistat: 30 mg 28% 9% NR
Orlistat: 60 mg 28% 9%
Orlistat: 120 mg 37% 18%
Orlistat: 240 mg 38% 19%
Placebo 19%  
Micic et al, 199994 120 mg tid D
All participants: mildly hypocaloric diet with dietary advice
N: 119
Race: NR

Orlistat: 70% female
Placebo: 78% female

Orlistat: 46 yrs
Placebo: 45 yrs (median ages)

Orlistat: 34.8 kg/m2
Placebo: 35.2 kg/m2
24 wks,
Orlistat -10.8 kg -3.5 kg 0.001 Orlistat:
Dropout: 10/60
Due to adverse event: 1/60 Adverse event rate: 18/60

Dropout: 10/59
Due to adverse event: NR
Adverse event rate: 7/59
Placebo -7.3 kg    
Rissanen et al, 200195 120 mg tid D
All participants:
600 kcal deficit diet
N: 51
Race: NR
Female: 100%
Age: 44 yrs
36.2 kg/m2
12 mos,
-13 kg -5.8 kg NS Dropout: 4/55 Fair
Placebo -7.2 kg    
Broom et al, 200296 120 mg tid D
All participants:
mildly hypocaloric diet (minimum of 1200 kcal/day), with food and beverage diaries
N: 531
Race: NR
Female: 78%

Orlistat: 46.7 yrs
Placebo: 45.3 yrs

Orlistat: 37.1 kg/m2
Placebo: 37.0 kg/m2
54 wks,
Orlistat -5.8 kg -3.5 kg < 0.001 Orlistat:
Dropout: 79/265
Due to adverse event: 20/265
Due to GI symptoms: 13/265
Serious adverse events: 13/265

Dropout: 105/266
Due to adverse event: 11/266
Due to GI symptoms: 6/266
Serious adverse events: 17/266
Placebo -2.3 kg    
  >5% Loss:    
Orlistat 55.6% 31.3% < 0.001
Placebo 24.3%    
  >10% Loss:    
Orlistat 19.7% 8.7% NS

Placebo 11.0%    
Miles et al, 200290 120 mg tid D, E
All participants: recommended to increase physical activity and diet (-600 kcal/day) with dietary counseling throughout the study
N: 516
White: 84%
Black: 10%
Other: 6%
White: 79%
Black: 14%
Other: 7%

Female: 48%

52.5 yrs
53.7 yrs
35.2 kg/m2
35.6 kg/m2
52 wks,
Orlistat -4.7 kg -2.9 kg < 0.001 Orlistat:
Dropout: 35%
Due to adverse event: 10%
Due to GI symptoms: NR
GI event frequency: 83%

Dropout: 44%
Due to adverse event: 5%
Due to GI symptoms: NR
GI event frequency: 62%
Placebo -1.8 kg    
  > 5% Loss:    
Orlistat 39.0% 23.3% 0.008
Placebo 15.7%    
  > 10% Loss:    
Orlistat 14.1% 10.2% 0.003
Placebo 3.9%    
Karhunen et al, 200093 120 mg tid D
All participants: dietary advice (-600 kcal/day) individualized advice throughout the 1 yr loss phase
N: 96
Race: NR
Female: 82%
Age: 43 yrs
35.9 kg/m2
2 yrs:
1 yr of L
1 yr of M
Loss phase Yr 1     No data on adverse effects
Dropout: 24/96 (25%)
Due to adverse event: NR
Orlistat -13.1 kg -4.5 kg 0.007
Placebo -8.6 kg    
Maintenance phase      
(Tx Yr 1/Tx Yr 2) Yr 2 only    
Orlistat/Orlistat 3.1 kg    
Orlistat/Placebo 6.3 kg    
Placebo/Orlistat 0.5 kg    
Placebo/Placebo 3.5 kg    
Hill et al, 199992 30, 60, or 120 mg 3 times daily D, E, B
All participants: 4180 kJ/day deficit diet
N: 729
White: 88
Black: 6%
Hispanic: 5%
Other: 1%
Female: 84%

30 mg: 47 yrs
60 mg: 46 yrs
120 mg: 46 yrs
Placebo: 46 yrs

30 mg: 32.6 kg/m2
60 mg: 32.9 kg/m2
120 mg: 32.8 kg/m2
Placebo: 32.8 kg/m2
52 wks
(following 6 mos of L)
Orlistat 30 mg 4.9 kg 0.5 kg < 0.001 Orlistat 30 mg:
Dropout: 47/187
Due to adverse event: 17/187

Orlistat 60 mg:
Dropout: 40/173
Due to adverse event: 17/173
Orlistat 120 mg:
Dropout: 55/181
Due to adverse event: 27/181
Dropout: 50/188
Due to adverse event: 5/188
Orlistat 60 mg 3.8 kg -0.6 kg  
Orlistat 120 mg 2.6 kg -1.8 kg  
Placebo 4.4 kg    
Giugliano et al, 199397 850 mg bid Counseled to maintain baseline diet and exercise patterns N: 50
Race: NR
Female: 62%

Metformin: 60 yrs
Placebo: 60.8 yrs

Metformin: 33 kg/m2
Placebo: 32.7 kg/m2
6 mos,
Data in graph form Data in graph form NS NR Fair
Knowler et al.81 850 mg bid (titrated up) D,E
Metformin and placebo participants: written information plus annual 20-30 minute individual session emphasizing low-fat diet and physical activity
N: 3234
White: 55%
Black: 20%
Hispanic: 16%
Native American: 5%
Asian: 4%
Female: 68%
Mean: 51 yrs
34 kg/m2
2.8 yrs,
L & M
Metformin -2.1 kg -2.0 kg < 0.001 7.5% Good
Lifestyle -5.6 kg -5.5 kg
Placebo -0.1 kg  
Mulitple Drugs
Gokcel et al, 200298 Sibutramine: 10 mg bid
120 mg tid
Metformin: 850 mg bid
25 kcal per kg of ideal body weight with caloric distribution: 50% carbohydrates
30% lipids
20% protein
N: 150
Race: NR
Female: 100%

Sibutramine: 42.3 yrs
Orlistat: 42.1 yrs
Metformin: 43.6 yrs

Sibutramine: 38.5 kg/m2
Orlistat: 35.3 kg/m2
Metformin: 37.9 kg/m2
6 mos,
Sibutramine -13.4 kg -4.0 kg
1.0 kg (vs metformin)
BMI loss significantly greater with sibutramine than either other group Sibutramine:
Dropout: NR
Due to adverse event: 2/50

Dropout: NR
Due to adverse event: 2/50

Dropout: NR
Due to adverse event: NR
Orlistat -8.0 kg
Metformin -9.0 kg


B = behavioral therapy; bid = twice daily; BMI = body mass index; cont = continuous; D = diet; E = exercise; GI = gastrointestinal; int = intermittent; L = weight loss; M = maintenance of weight loss; NR = not reported; tid = three times daily.

a Values are means unless otherwise indicated.
b Presented as baseline mean or range unless otherwise noted.
c Compared with control unless otherwise noted.
d P=0.02 vs placebo.

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