Appendix Table 1. Screening for Obesity: Eligibility Criteria and Results of Searches

Key Question Eligibility Criteria Number of Articles
Meeting Eligibility
Criteria and Not
in Prior Systematic
Efficacy of screening RCT
Mass screening
Epidemiology of obesity
   a. Prevalence Large U.S. population-based surveys 1
   b. Health risks Prospective cohort studies with absolute rates of health risk reported over > 10 yrs 14
Efficacy of treatment for weight
reduction or intermediate outcomes
   a. Counseling and behavioral treatment - RCT (of fair or good quality)
- Outcome: weight loss or BMI reduction; glucose tolerance, blood pressure, lipid disorders
- Duration: >1 yr
- BMI > 25 kg/m2
- 12 month followup
   b. Medications - RCT (of fair or good quality)
- Outcome: weight loss or BMI reduction; glucose tolerance, blood pressure, lipid disorders
- Duration: > 6 mos
- Population: generalizable to typical U.S. primary care population
   c. Surgery - RCT (of fair or good quality)
- Outcome: weight loss or BMI reduction; glucose tolerance, blood pressure, lipid disorders
- Duration: > 1 year
- Cohort
- Initial BMI > 25 kg/m2
- Surgical procedure
Harms of screening and treatment Same studies as efficacy of counseling/behavioral and medication interventions
For surgery, same studies as efficacy plus multiple cohorts and 1 non-RCT
21 counseling
15 medication
2 surgery

Notes: RCT = randomized controlled trial; BMI = body mass index
a References 11,28,29,31

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