Table 2. RCTs of Amblyopia Treatment in Children Younger than Age 5 Years Published Since 1999

Author, Year N Population Setting Exclusions Definitions of Amblyopia Intervention Outcomes Results Study Quality
Pediatric Eye Disease Group, 20024 409 Children aged 3-7 years with moderate amblyopia 47 clinical sites in North America Ocular cause for visual acuity; prior intraocular surgery; myopia in either eye; Down Syndrome; known skin reaction to patch or bandage adhesive, or allergy to atropine or other cycloplegics; more than 2 mos of amblyopia therapy in the past 2 yrs; aged 7 or older; not able to measure visual acuity with Amblyopia Treatment Study visual acuity testing protocol; refractive error not corrected for at least 4 wks; does not meet study criteria for amblyopia associated with strabismus, refractive error/anisometropia, or both Amblyopia associated with strabismus, refractive error/anisometropia, or both; visual acuity in the amblyopic eye < 20/40 or > 20/100; visual acuity in the sound eye > 20/40; intereye acuity difference > to 3 logMAR lines Visual acuity testing protocol 7 days prior to randomization to patch for 6 hrs/day or atropine sulfate 1% 1 drop/day; adjustments in treatment based on patient responses and study criteria; followup visits at 5, 16, 26 wks (primary outcome) with additional followup at 18 mos, with at least 1 visit every 6 mos Visual acuity score in logMAR units in the amblyopic eye and sound eye after 6 mos of treatment; successful treatment defined by amblyopic eye's visual acuity 20/30 or better or improvement of 3 or more lines from baseline; also evaluated effect of treatment on child and parent by questionnaire, adherence to treatment, and adverse reactions Improved visual acuity in the amblyopic eye in both the patching and atropine groups: patching group mean change in visual acuity was 3.16 lines (95% CI, 2.95-3.37); atropine group mean change in visual acuity was 2.84 lines (95% CI, 2.61-3.07); improvement occurred faster in the patch group; mean treatment group difference in 6 mos logMAR acuity was 0.034 (95% CI, 0.005-0.064); 79% of patching group and 74% of atropine group met criteria for treatment success (95% CI for differences in percentages, -4% to 13%); at 6 mos, visual acuity in the sound eye was decreased from baseline by 1 line in 14 patients (7%) in patching group; 30 patients (15%) in atropine group; and by 2 or more lines in 3 patients (1%) and 17 patients (9%), respectively (P < 0.001); this difference did not persist with further followup; both treatments were well tolerated; atropine had a slightly higher degree of acceptability on a parental questionnaire and better adherence than patching Good

Note: CI, confidence interval; RCT, randomized controlled trial.

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