Table 2. Studies of Interventions for Intimate Partner Violence Against Women

Design Population/
Outcome Measure
Results Quality Rating/
McFarlane et al., 200064 Randomized trial comparing 3 interventions 329 pregnant, Hispanic women at prenatal clinics in SW U.S. All women were screened using the AAS; those with positive responses were randomized to intervention groups; outcomes were determined by the SVAWS at each followup visit 1) "Brief" (wallet-sized card with resources)
2) "Counseling" (unlimited access to counselor in clinic),
3) "Outreach" (counseling plus "mentor mother" in community), monitored at 2-,6-,12-, and 18-mos post-delivery
Abuse decreased significantly in all groups; there were no statistically significant differences between the 3 groups at 6, 12, and 18 mos; at 2 mos, scores were significantly lower for the outreach group compared with the counseling group, but not compared to the brief group Fair
Narrow patient population, outcomes by self-report
Parker et al., 199965 Non-randomized trial comparing 2 interventions 199 Pregnant women at prenatal clinics in Texas and Virginia;
35% African American,
33% Hispanic,
32% White women were screened with AAS; those with positive responses were eligible for interventions; outcomes were determined by SVAWS and ISA at each followup visit
1) 3 counseling sessions
2) Wallet-sized card with resources (intervention vs minimal intervention), monitored at 6 and 12 mos post-delivery
Less violence occurred in the intervention group at 6 and 12 mos,
(SVAWS [P = 0.052],
ISA [P = 0.007])
Non-random assignment, outcomes by self-report, poor attendance at support groups

Notes: AAS, Abuse Assessment Screen; ISA, Index of Spouse Abuse; NR, not reported; SVAWS, Severity of Violence Against Women Scale.

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