Table 2. Comparison of Randomized Controlled Trials of Breast Cancer Chemoprevention

Study Family History
ER+ Tumors2
HRT Use3
Loss to Followup
Discontinuation of Study Drug
Women Who Took Tamoxifen for > 5 Years
Placebo Treatment
Royal Marsden (19) 100 63 26 11 31 40 79 (6.3)
Italian Study (21,23)1 21 43 14 0.6 25 28 77 (2.9)
21 Unk4 29 NA 34 36 2,462 (45)
Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (20) 76 71 0 1.6 20 24 2,424 (36.9)
Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation (22) 12 60 10 NA 255 225 Not applicable

1First line refers to initial results published in 1998; second line refers to results with longer follow up published in 2002.
2ER+, estrogen receptor-positive.
3HRT, hormone replacement therapy.
4Unk, unknown; NA, data not available.
5Cumulative withdrawal at 36 months (includes loss to followup).

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