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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture

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Partnering/Licensing Opportunities in the NPA

On this page:

ARS continually looks for opportunities to partner with universities, businesses, other federal agencies, and state and local governments. These partnerships are designed to augment research programs, expedite research results to the private sector, exchange information and knowledge, stimulate new business and economic development, enhance U.S. trade, preserve the environment, and improve the quality of life for all Americans.

The USDA, ARS, Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) grants licenses to qualified businesses and individuals who wish to commercialize inventions resulting from federally supported research performed at USDA laboratories and research locations. Companies interested in licensing USDA inventions can obtain a license application online or from an OTT licensing staff member.

For more information about partnering with ARS in the NPA contact:

  • Bryan Kaphammer, Ph.D.
    Technology Transfer Coordinator
    2150 Centre Avenue, Building D
    Suite 300, Room 3053
    Fort Collins, CO 80526
    Phone: 970 492 7028
    Fax: 970 492 7023

Also check out our NPA Technology Transfer page.

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Current Partnering Opportunities with the NPA:

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Current Licensing Opportunities with the NPA:

  • (None available at this time)

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Current Biological Agents Available for Licensing with the NPA:

  • Monoclonal Antibodies For the Detection of:
    • Ractopamine
    • Zilppaterol
    • Gluten
  • Microbial Strains
    • (None available at this time)

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Agreements (CRADAs):

Note: These links take you to the national ARS "Partnering" site:

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Helpful links to the national ARS Partnering site:

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Last Modified: 07/03/2008