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MSHA News Release: [04/18/2008]
Contact Name: Matthew Faraci or Amy Louviere
Phone Number: (202) 693-9406 or x9423
Release Number: 08-0542-NAT

MSHA publishes final rule on seals in underground coal mines

Standard goes beyond requirements outlined in MINER Act

ARLINGTON, Va. — The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) published in the Federal Register today a final rule to increase protections for miners who work in underground coal mines with sealed-off abandoned areas. The final rule, which replaces the Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) that went into effect last May, increases the pounds per square inch (psi) pressure that seals must be able to withstand in the event of an explosion and adds other important safeguards to protect miners.

"This final rule goes beyond the requirements Congress set forth in the Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response, or MINER, Act, which necessitates that mine seals be stronger than the 20 psi explosive pressure minimum established in 1992," said Richard E. Stickler, acting assistant secretary for mine safety and health. "Under the new rule, operators must strengthen the design, construction, maintenance and repair of seals, as well as sample and control atmospheres behind certain seals. Seal strength must be designed to at least 50 psi."

The final rule also has a number of other protections that will improve miner safety, including:

Seal manufacturers and mine operators have six months to submit revised seal applications and ventilation plans, respectively, to comply with the final rule. Otherwise, because the final rule replaces the seals ETS from May 2007, it is immediately effective.

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