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Monthly Newsetter Maryland Global Express

The U.S. Export Assistance Center in Baltimore strives to provide Maryland's exporting community with various information resources about international business trends, trade events, and services.  We publish a monthly newsletter, The Maryland Global Express, which includes the latest information on these topics. 

Please review this month's table of contents below and download the latest edition of The Maryland Global Express.

And before you leave, check out our Business Service Provider Directory.

October 2008 Edition

In this month's edition:

Featured Events    

  • India Business Forum: October 28th


  • New Market Research


  • Trade Missions
  • Selected U.S. and International Trade Events
  • Staff Directory

For suggestions, please contact the U.S. Export Assistance Center2.

Past Editions

Please Visit Our Newsletter Archives

Satellite in Orbit


DownloadOctober 2008 Newsletter

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