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The Grants Policy Committee: Enhancing the grant experience for everyone


Collaboration With Other Grants Management Initiatives

All Federal grants policy recommendations to OMB are coordinated through the GPC. The GPC collaborates with several Federal initiatives on improvements to grants streamlining and management including but not limited to the following:
Grants Executive Board (GEB):
A governance body, which provides oversight, executive sponsorship, agency participation, and agency resource contributions for Grants.gov and the Grants Management Line of Business (GMLOB) initiative. The GEB determines the technical implementation of policy changes and standards recommended by the GPC and approved by OMB.
Transparency Act Grants Committee:
One of four committees under the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Task Force (the other three committees are Contracts, Loans, and Information Technology). The Transparency Act requires OMB to develop a publicly accessible, searchable website containing data about grants, contracts, and loans awarded by the Federal government. OMB established the Transparency Act Task Force to assist with developing the procedures and systems needed to implement the law.
Grants Management Line of Business (GMLOB):
GMLOB, a President's Management Agenda (PMA) identified Line of Business (LOB), works to develop a government-wide solution to support end-to-end grants management activities that promote citizen access, customer service, and agency financial and technical stewardship.

The efforts of the GPC, GEB, Transparency Act Grants Committee, and GMLOB are interrelated. Each group consists of representatives from both OMB and Federal grant-making agencies. The four groups have different purposes and activities but complementary goals. Each group has some commonality in agency membership and acts as a liaison to the other groups to ensure timely communication and continual coordination.
If you have questions about the Federal government's efforts to streamline grants management, please contact the Grants Policy Committee.
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