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International Contact

CFTC Office of International Affairs
202-418-5548, fax

International Initiatives


The CFTC participates in a wide range of international initiatives to
  • enhance international supervisory cooperation and emergency procedures,
  • establish concrete standards and best practices for regulation of futures and derivatives markets,
  • encourage improved transparency in futures and derivatives markets,
  • improve the quality and currency of international information sharing, and
  • encourage foreign jurisdictions to remove legal and practical obstacles to achieving these goals..

International initiatives include:

CESR-CFTC Common Work Program to Facilitate Transatlantic Derivatives Business, May 2006 (PDF). This Communique represents a joint commitment of the CFTC and CESR to a work program designed to facilitate the conduct and supervision of transatlantic derivatives business.

Methodology For Assessing Implementation of the IOSCO Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation, October 2003 (PDF). Guidance for securities regulators on how concretely to apply IOSCO's Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation to an assessment of a given jurisdiction.

IOSCO Strengthens International Cooperation to Fight Illegal Securities and Derivatives Activities, October 2003 (PDF). During its annual conference in South Korea, IOSCO announced its efforts to strengthen international cooperation in the fight against illegal securities and derivatives activities through the promulgation of a global memorandum of understanding (IOSCO MMOU) between securities regulators.

CPSS/IOSCO Assessment Methodology for Recommendations for Securities Settlement Systems, November 2002 (PDF). Guidance from the Committee on Payment Settlement Systems (CPSS) and IOSCO’s Technical Committee on how concretely to apply the CPSS and IOSCO Recommendations for Securities Settlement Systems to an assessment of a given jurisdiction’s securities settlement practices.

International Regulators Alert System, NFA, June 2002. NFA’s member newsletter discusses the alert system NFA developed with the CFTC to keep international regulators abreast of the domestic status of U.S. firms operating in foreign jurisdictions.

Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulations, IOSCO, September 1998 (PDF). Principles for successful securities regulatory regimes published by IOSCO to serve as a standard setting document in financial markets that are globally interconnected.

Application of the Tokyo Communiqué to Exchange-Traded Financial Derivatives Contracts, September 1998 (PDF). Clarification of many aspects of guidance contained in the Tokyo Communiqué applicable to the oversight of financial derivatives markets and contracts not settled by a deliverable of finite supply.

Tokyo Communiqué on Supervision of Commodity Futures Markets, October 1997 (PDF). The Tokyo Communiqué established internationally recognized benchmarks for contract design and/or review and for market surveillance and information sharing in physical delivery markets.

Boca Declaration on Cooperation and Supervision of International Futures Markets and Clearing Organizations, March 1996. A multilateral mechanism for information sharing on a bilateral basis whereby the occurrence of certain agreed triggering events affecting an exchange member’s financial resources or positions will prompt the sharing of information. Amended March 1998.

Windsor Declaration, May 1995. Recommendations for regulatory action regarding cooperation between market authorities; protection of customer positions, funds, and assets; default procedures; and regulatory cooperation in emergencies.

OTC Derivatives Oversight Statement of the SEC, the CFTC, and the U.K. Securities and Investments Board, March 1994. Statement identifying means for cooperation in regulatory approaches to the over-the-counter derivatives market and setting forth common goals for the three authorities.

Last Updated: January 8, 2008