Databases Currently Available | |
Building Permits Building perm it statistics on new residential and nonresidential construction for individual municipalities. Updated monthly. |
Census Tract Street Locator Find census tract numbers for residential street addresses.
County Business Patterns Employment and earnings by 4-digit Standard Industrial Classification by state and county (1993-1997) and ZIP code (1994-1997) and by North American Industry Classification System (beginning 1998) by state and county, metropolitan statistical area and ZIP code. For Puerto Rico Employment and earnings by 4-digit Standard Industrial Classification (1998-2002) and by North American Industry Classification System (beginning 2003). Updated annually. |
Detailed Occupation by Race, Hispanic Origin and Sex Occupation data from the 1990 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) File. Included are 512 detailed occupations by race, hispanic origin and sex tabulated from the 1990 census. |
International Trade Data Exports and imports by Standard International Trade Classification. Updated monthly. |
USA Counties Demographic and economic data for States and counties. Updated every two years. |
Public Law 94-171 Data Census of Population and Housing Public Law 94-171 Data Age by Race and Hispanic Origin |