State and Local Government Employment and Payroll
March 2004


Data Quality
    Data quality/nonsampling errors (including response rates):
  Although every effort (as described in the Data Processing section) is made in all phases of collection, processing, and tabulation to minimize errors, the sample data are subject to nonsampling errors such as inability to obtain data for every variable from all units in the sample, inaccuracies in classification, response errors, misinterpretation of questions, mistakes in keying and coding, and coverage errors. These same errors may be evident in census collections and may affect the Census of Governments data used to adjust the sample during the estimation phase and used in the imputation process.

The overall response rate to the 2004 Annual Survey of Government Employment and Payroll was 79%. All of the 50 state governments responded to the survey. The response rate was calculated as the number of responses received divided by the number of parent governments mailed minus the number of parent governments that were determined to be out of scope.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Governments Division,
Created: 03-25-2005
Last revised: June 21 2005