State and Local Government Employment and Payroll
March 2004


Data Collection
    Dates of Collection:
    03/18/2004     Mailout
    06/01/2004     Follow up mailout
    03/02/2005     Data editing and imputation completed (date may change)
    05/19/2005     Final file with estimates
    06/21/2005     Released to Census Bureau Internet

  Data in these files are based on information obtained in the Annual Survey of Government Employment and Payroll. Federal Government data were compiled by Census Bureau staff from records of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Thirty nine of the state governments provided data from central payroll records for all or most of their agencies/institutions. Data for agencies and institutions for the remaining state governments were obtained by mail canvass questionnaires. Local governments were also canvassed using a mail questionnaire. However, elementary and secondary school system data in Florida, North Dakota, and Washington were supplied by special arrangements with the state education agency in each of these states. All respondents receiving the mail questionnaire had the option of responding using the Employment Web site developed for reporting data. Approximately 21% of the state agency and local government respondents chose to respond on the Web.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Governments Division,
Created: 03-25-2005
Last revised: June 21 2005