USGS, photo by Lyn Topinka

Western Region Geologic Information Server

Oregon Earth Science Digital Publications and Datasets

Geologic Map of Oregon

By G.W. walker and N.S. MacLeod, 1991, 1:500,000 scale

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Professional Paper 1578

Hydrothermal Mineralogy of Core from Geothermal Drill Holes at Newberry Volcano, Oregon

By: Keith E. Bargar and Terry E.C. Keith

Professional Paper 1560

Assessing Earthquake Hazards and Reducing Risk in the Pacific Northwest

Edited by Albert M. Rogers, Timothy J. Walsh, William J. Kockleman, and George R. Priest

Professional Paper 1707

The Orphan Tsunami of 1700-Japanese Clues to a Parent Earthquake in North America

By: Brian F. Atwater, Musumi-Rokkaku Satoko, Satake Kenji, Tsuji Yoshinobu, Ueda Kazue, and David K. Yamaguchi

Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2392

Geologic Map of the Deer Island Quadrangle, Columbia County, Oregon and Cowlitz County, Washington

By: Russell C. Everts

Geologic Investigations Series Map I-2569

Geologic Map of Upper Eocene to Holocene Volcanic and Related Rocks of the Cascade Range, Oregon

By: David R. Sherrod and James G. Smith

Geologic Investigations Series I-2674

Map of Major Lithologic Units in the Pacific Northwest: A Contribution to the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project

By: Bruce R. Johnson and Gary L. Raines

Geologic Investigations Series I-2683

Geologic Map of the Bend 30- X 60-Minute Quadrangle, Central Oregon

By: David R. Sherrod, Edward M. Taylor, Mark L. Ferns, William E. Scott, Richard M. Conrey, and Gary A. Smith

Geologic Investigations Series I-2689

Cascadia - Physiography

By: Ralph A. Haugerud

Geologic Investigations Series I-2790

Crater Lake Revealed

By: David W. Ramsey, Peter Dartnell, Charles R. Bacon, Joel E. Robinson, and James V. Gardner

Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5211

Seismic Monitoring at Cascade Volcanic Centers, 2004—Status and Recommendations

By: Seth C. Moran

Open-File Report 92-505

Water Balance for Crater Lake, Oregon

By: Manual Nathenson

Open-File Report 94-21

Geologic Map of the Tillamook Highlands, Northwest Oregon Coast Range

By Ray E. Wells, Parke D. Snavely, Jr, N.S. MacLeod, Michael M. Kelly, and Michael J. Parker, 1994

Open-File Report 95-670     New  PDF files of maps

Geologic Map of the Tillamook Highlands, Northwest Oregon Coast Range: A Digital Database

By Ray E. Wells, Parke D. Snavely, Jr, N.S. MacLeod, Michael M. Kelly, Michael J. Parker, Johanna S. Fenton, and Tracey J. Felger, 1995

Open-File Report 95-680

Digital map of major bedrock lithologic units for the Pacific Northwest: a contribution to the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project

By: Bruce R. Johnson and Gary L. Raines

Open-File Report 95-685

Digital maps of compositionally classified lithologies derived from 1:500,000-scale geologic maps for the Pacific Northwest: a contribution to the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project

By: Gary L. Raines, Bruce R. Johnson, Thomas P. Frost and Michael L. Zientek

Open-File Report 96-737

Digital mining claim density map for Federal lands in the Pacific Northwest

By: Harry W. Campbell and Paul C. Hyndman

Open-File Report 97-465

Preliminary map of selected post-Nevadan geologic features of the Klamath Mountains and adjacent areas, California and Oregon: A digital database

Compiled by: William P. Irwin

Open-File Report 98-114

Rotational and Accretionary Evolution of the Klamath Mountains, California and Oregon, from Devonian to Present time

By: Willian P. Irwin and Edward A. Mankinen

Open-File Report 98-464

Mining Properties in Oregon that were involved in the DMA, DMEA, OME Mineral Exploration Programs, 1950-1974

By: Thor Kiilsgaard

Open-File Report 98-512

MAS/MILS Arc/Info Point Coverage for the Western U.S. (excluding Hawaii)

By: J. Douglas Causey

Open-File Report 99-24

Volcano Hazards in the Mount Jefferson Region, Oregon

Joseph S. Walder, Cynthia A. Gardner, Richard M. Conrey, Bruce J. Fisher, and Steven P. Schilling

Open-File Report 99-141

Geologic Map of the Scotts Mills, Silverton, and Stayton Northeast 7.5 Minute Quadrangles, Northwest Oregon: A Digital Database

Geology by Terry Tolan and Marvin Beeson

Digital Database by Karen L. Wheeler

Open-File Report 99-157

Turbidite Pathways in Cascadia Basin and Tufts Abyssal Plain Part A, Astoria Channel, Blanco Valley, and Gorda Basin

By: Stephen C. Wolf and Michael R. Hamer

Open-File Report 99-173

The Washington and Oregon Mid-Shelf Silt Deposit and its Relation to the late Holocene Columbia River Sediment Budget

By: Stephen C. Wolf, Hans Nelson, Michael R. Hamer, Gita Dunhill, and R. Lawrence Phillips

Open-File Report 99-325

Digital Databases Containing Mining Claim Density Information for Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming Created From the BLM Mining Claim Recordation System: 1996

By: Paul C. Hyndman and Harry W. Campbell

Open-File Report 99-374

Plutons and Accretionary Episodes of the Klamath Mountains, California and Oregon

By William P. Irwin and Joseph L. Wooden

Open-File Report 99-425

Geothermal Industry Temperature Profiles from the Great Basin

By John H. Sass, Susan S. Priest, Arnold J. Blanton, Penelope C. Sackett, Stephanie L. Welch, Mark A. Walters

Open-File Report 99-437

Volcano Hazards in the Three Sisters Region, Oregon

By: W.E. Scott, R.M. Iverson, S.P. Schilling, and B.J. Fischer

Open-File Report 99-541

Digital Mining Claim Density Map for Federal Lands in Oregon: 1996

By: Paul C. Hyndman and Harry W. Campbell

Open-File Report 00-351

Geologic Map and Database of the Salem East and Turner 7.5-Minute Quadrangles, Marion County, Oregon: A Digital Database

By: Terry L. Tolan and Marvin H. Beeson

Digital Database By: Christoper B. DuRoss

Open-File Report 00-376

Geologic Map and Database of the Roseburg 30 x 60' Quadrangle, Douglas and Coos Counties, Oregon

By: R.E. Wells, A.S. Jayko, A.R. Niem, G. Black, T. Wiley, E. Baldwin, K.M. Molenaar, K.L. Wheeler, C.B. DuRoss, and R.W. Givler

Open-File Report 00-405

Cruise Report R/V Surf Surveyor Cruise S1-00-CL Mapping the Bathymetry of Crater Lake, Oregon

By: James V. Gardner, Larry A. Mayer, and Mark Buktenicam

Open-File Report 00-448

Non-navigational Gridded Bathymetry Data for Washington-Oregon Coast: 1926-1998. Data release and description of methods

By: Ann E. Gibbs, Maarten C. Buijsman, and Chris R. Sherwood

Open-File Report 01-226

Reconnaissance Geologic Map of the Dixonville 7.5' Quadrangle, Oregon

By: Angela S. Jayko and Ray E. Wells

Digital Database by: R.W. Givler, J.S. Fenton, and M. Sinor

Open-File Report 01-294

Shaded-Relief and Color Shaded-Relief Maps of the Willamette Valley, Oregon

By: R.W. Givler and R.E. Wells

Open-File Report 02-227

Multielement Geochemical Dataset of Surficial Materials for the Northern Great Basin

By: Mary Jane Coombs, Boris B. Kotlyar, Steve Ludington, Helen W. Folger, and Victor G. Mossotti

Open-File Report 02-281

Regional Sediment Budget of the Columbia River Littoral Cell, USA, Analysis of Bathymetric- and Topographic-Volume Change

By: Maarten C. Buijsman, Christopher R. Sherwood, Ann E. Gibbs, Guy Gelfenbaum, George Kaminsky, Peter Ruggiero, and Jerry Franklin

Open-File Report 02-301

An Update of Quaternary Faults of Central and Eastern Oregon

By: R.J. Weldon, II, D.K. Fletcher, E.M. Weldon, K.M. Scharer, and P.A. McCrory

Open-File Report 02-328

The Cascadia Subduction Zone and Related Subduction Systems—Seismic Structure, Intraslab Earthquakes and Processes, and Earthquake Hazards

Edited By: Stephen Kirby, Kelin Wang, and Susan Dunlop

Open-File Report 03-13

Cascadia Tsunami Deposit Database

By: Robert Peters, Bruce Jaffe, Guy Gelfenbaum, and Curt Peterson

Open-File Report 03-67

Spatial Digital Database for the Geologic Map of Oregon

Geology compiled by: George W. Walker and Norman S. MacLeod

Spatial database by: Robert J. Miller, Gary L. Raines, and Katherine A. Connors

Open-File Report 03-190

Diatom Data from Bradley Lake, Oregon: Downcore Analyses

By: Eileen Hemphill-Haley and Roger C. Lewis

Open-File Report 03-306

A Bibliography of Klamath Mountains Geology, California and Oregon, listing Authors from Aalto to Zucca for the Years 1849 to Mid-2003

Compiled by: William P. Irwin

Open-File Report 03-408

Maps Showing Inundation Depths, Ice-Rafted Erratics, and Sedimentary Facies of Late Pleistocene Missoula Floods in the Willamette Valley, Oregon

By: J. M. Minervini, J. E. O'Connor, and R.E. Wells

Open-File Report 2004-1052

Lifelines and Earthquake Hazards in the Interstate 5 Urban Corridor: Cottage Grove to Woodburn, Oregon

By: E.A. Barnett, C.S. Weaver, K.L. Meagher, Z. Wang, I.P. Madin, M. Wang, R.A. Haugerud, R.E. Wells, D.B. Ballantyne, M. Darienzo, and the Southern Willamette Valley Working Group

Open-File Report 2004-1298

Springs on and in the Vicinity of Mount Hood volcano, Oregon

By: Manuel Nathenson

Open-File Report 2004-1413

Guide to Geophysical Data for the Northern Rocky Mountains and Adjacent Areas, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon, and Wyoming

By: Edward A. Mankinen, Thomas G. Hildenbrand, Michael L. Zientek, Stephen E. Box, Arthur A. Bookstrom, Mary H. Carlson, and Jeremy C. Larsen

Open-File Report 2005-1085

Lifelines and Earthquake Hazards along the Interstate 5 Urban Corridor: Woodburn, Oregon to Centralia, Washington

By: E.A. Barnett, C.S. Weaver, K.L. Meagher, Z. Wang, I.P. Madin, M. Wang, R.A. Haugerud, R.E. Wells, R.J. Blakely, D.B. Ballantyne, M. Darienzo, and the Portland Area Working Group

Digital Data Series 72

2000 Multibeam Sonar Survey of Crater Lake, Oregon: Data, GIS, Images, and Movies

By: James V. Gardner and Peter Dartnell

Data Series 91

Depth to the Juan De Fuca Slab Beneath the Cascadia Subduction Margin–A 3-D Model for Sorting Earthquakes

By: Patricia A. McCrory, J. Luke Blair, David H. Oppenheimer, and Stephen R. Walter

Fact Sheet 165-97

Living with Volcanic Risk in the Cascades

By: Dan Dzurisin, Peter H. Stauffer, and James W. Hendley II

Fact Sheet 092-02

Mount Mazama and Crater Lake: Growth and Destruction of a Cascade Volcano

By: Ed Klimasauskas, Charles Bacon, and Jim Alexander

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