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Apprentices and Participation Trends

  • In FY 2007, more than 212,000 individuals entered the apprenticeship system.
  • Nationwide, there are more than 468,000 apprentices currently obtaining the skills they need to succeed while earning the wages they need to build financial security.
  • In FY 2007, nearly 35,300 graduated from the apprenticeship system.

Apprenticeship Sponsors and Trends

  • There are approximately 28,000 registered apprenticeship programs across the nation.
  • In FY 2007, 3,253 new apprenticeship programs were established nationwide. Building on the foundation set by traditional partner industries such as Construction and Manufacturing, 716 of these programs were in high growth industries.

Public-Private Investment and Partnerships

  • The federal government invests $21 million annually in the apprenticeship system.
  • Apprenticeship sponsors pay most of the training costs. Apprentices' wages increase as their skill and productivity levels increase.
  • The Construction industry contributes an estimated $250 million annually to support apprenticeship in the industry.
  • In recent years, new apprenticeship partnerships have been formed with companies such as UPS which registered over 18,700 new apprentices during FY 2007.
  • Currently, there are hundreds of academic partnerships with two- and four-year colleges that offer Associate's and Bachelor's degrees in conjunction with apprenticeship certificates.


  • Apprenticeship programs are operated by both the public and private sectors. Apprenticeship sponsors, who are employers, employer associations and labor-management organizations, register programs with federal and state government agencies. Sponsors provide on-the-job learning and academic instruction to apprentices according to their industry standards and licensing requirements.

Program Dividends

  • Because apprentices pay income taxes on their wages, it is estimated that every dollar the federal government invests in apprenticeship yields more than $100 in revenues.

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