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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


AHCPR funds new projects

The following research projects, small project grants, and conference grant were funded recently by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Readers are reminded that findings usually are not available until a project ends or is nearing completion.

Research Projects

Determining and understanding barriers to adult immunization
Project director: Richard K. Zimmerman, M.D.
Organization: University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Project number: AHCPR grant HS09874
Project period: 4/1/99 to 9/30/01
First year funding: $388,815

Disease management for asthmatics in Medicaid HMOs
Project director: Alan L. Hillman, M.D.
Organization: University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Project number: AHCPR grant HS10044
Project period: 4/1/99 to 3/31/02
First year funding: $626,075

Employee response to health plan performance ratings
Project director: Michael E. Chernew, Ph.D.
Organization: University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Project number: AHCPR grant HS10050
Project period: 3/1/99 to 8/31/00
First year funding: $215,030

SES differences in HMO utilization by older Americans
Project director: Jose J. Escarce, M.D., Ph.D.
Organization: RAND
Santa Monica, CA
Project number: AHCPR grant HS09630
Project period: 4/1/99 to 3/31/02
First year funding: $713,332

Small Project Grants

Analysis of x-inefficiency in U.S. hospitals
Project director: Michael D. Rosko, Ph.D.
Organization: Widener University
Chester, PA
Project number: AHCPR grant HS09845
Project period: 4/1/99 to 3/31/00
Funding: $25,054
New projects

Ethics consultation in U.S. hospitals: A national survey
Project director: Ellen E. Fox, M.D.
Organization: George Washington University
Washington, DC
Project number: AHCPR grant HS09808
Project period: 4/1/99 to 3/31/00
Funding: $60,926

Physician/patient preferences in hysterectomy
Project director: Jeffrey Peipert, M.D.
Organization: Women and Infants Hospital
Providence, RI
Project number: AHCPR grant HS09846
Project period: 4/1/99 to 3/31/00
Funding: $77,694

School mental health: Quality care and positive outcome
Project director: Laura A. Nabors, Ph.D.
Organization: University of Maryland
Baltimore, MD
Project number: AHCPR grant HS09847
Project period: 9/1/99 to 3/31/00
Funding: $30,825

Socioeconomic deprivation and outpatient health care use
Project director: Sally Zierler, M.D.
Organization: Brown University
Providence, RI
Project number: AHCPR grant HS09848
Project period: 3/01/99 2/29/00
Funding: $78,910

Conference Grant

Making coverage decisions about emerging technologies
Project director: Nancy V. Chockley, M.B.A.
Organization: NIHCM Research and
Education Foundation
Washington, DC
Project number: AHCPR grant HS09849
Project period: 2/1/99 to 1/31/00
Funding: $48,470

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