Table 8.2 -Miniature Golf Alternatives Item: Accessible Holes - Scoping Proposed Guidelines: Each hole must be accessible. Exception permits at least 50% of elevated holes to be accessible. Final Guidelines: At least 50% of holes must be accessible. Accessible holes must be consecutive. Exception permits one break in sequence of consecutive accessible holes, provided last hole on course is last hole in sequence. Item: Accessible Route - Curbs Proposed Guidelines: Readily removable curbs permitted where accessible route intersects playing surface. Final Guidelines: One inch maximum curb permitted for 32 inches minimum width where accessible route intersects playing surface. Item: Accessible Route Located on Playing Surface - Exceptions Proposed Guidelines: Where accessible route located on playing surface, handrail requirements do not apply and 1:4 maximum slope permitted for 4 inch maximum rise. Final Guidelines: Where accessible route located on playing surface, carpet and handrail requirements do not apply; 1:4 maximum slope permitted for 4 inch maximum rise; landings required by 4.8.4 permitted to be 48 inches minimum in length; landings required by 4.8.4(3) permitted to be 48 inches by 60 inches minimum; and landing slopes permitted to be 1:20 maximum. Item: Start of Play Areas Proposed Guidelines: Start of play areas at accessible holes must be 60 inches by 60 inches minimum and have slopes not steeper than 1:48. Final Guidelines: Start of play areas at accessible holes must be 48 inches by 60 inches minimum and have slopes not steeper than 1:48. Item: Golf Club Reach Range Proposed Guidelines: Level areas within accessible holes where golf balls rest must be within 27 inches maximum of accessible route with 1:20 maximum slope. Final Guidelines: All areas within accessible holes where golf balls rest must be within 36 inches maximum of accessible route having maximum slope of 1:20 for 48 inch length.