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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


Methods seminar scheduled for fall 2001

The Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy will present the fourth in a series of fall seminars in health services research methods November 5-7, 2001, at the Doubletree Hotel in Rockville, MD, a suburb of Washington, DC. The objectives of the seminar series are to facilitate the use of Federal and State databases in conducting health services research, provide participants with an opportunity to learn from experts, and present an opportunity for attendees to network and share experiences with others in the field.

This three-day meeting, "Using Federal and State Databases," will feature the following databases:

Participants may select up to three databases (one each day) to study in-depth with the database developers and users. The seminar is being cosponsored by the Academy, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Department of Veterans Affairs, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (formerly the Health Care Financing Administration), and the National Center for Health Statistics.

To register online or obtain session descriptions, faculty bios, and more information, visit

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