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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


AHRQ to cosponsor ISTAHC's 2001 conference

The International Society of Technology Assessment in Healthcare (ISTAHC) will hold its 2001 conference June 3-6, in Philadelphia, PA. The meeting will be hosted by ECRI, one of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's 12 Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPCs). Examples of topics to be covered include:

  • Usefulness of cross-cultural and cross-national assessments.
  • Use of new national and international clinical guidelines.
  • Role of government in advancing/slowing diffusion of new technology.
  • Integrating complementary/alternative medicine with the latest advances in biomedicine.
  • Lessons learned from industry about communicating research results to physicians and patients.
  • Ways to integrate the results of technology assessment into day-to-day medical practice.
  • Reconciling evidence-based medicine with emotional need and fear.
  • Assessing biotechnologies.
  • Evaluating new diagnostic technologies.

If you are interested in presenting at the conference, the deadline for receipt of abstracts is December 1, 2000. For more information or to request a copy of the brochure, contact ECRI at 5200 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462; Phone (610) 825-6000; Fax (610) 834-1275; E-mail

ISTAHC serves as an international forum for researchers and clinicians focused on evidence-based assessment of health care technologies, including pharmaceuticals, devices, and medical and surgical procedures. ECRI is an international nonprofit health services research agency and collaborating center of the World Health Organization.

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