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CVISN Deployment Program, Support for Expanded Capabilities

The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (SAFETEA-LU) established a CVISN Deployment Program to support state efforts related to CVISN deployment. CVISN supports FMCSA mission to improve safety and security and reduce the number and severity of CMV crashes.

The CVISN Deployment Program primary objective is to assist all states in completing deployment of Core and Expanded CVISN capabilities. Core capabilities support exchanging motor carrier safety information among Federal, state, and industry partners, electronically screening trucks for compliance with safety and weight regulations at the roadside, and automating the application process for interstate commercial vehicle registration and fuel tax credentials. Expanded CVISN will focus on enhancing the safety, security, and productivity of commercial vehicle operations in the following four primary areas: driver information sharing, enhanced safety information exchange, smart roadside, and expanded electronic credentialing. FMCSA will direct its future research and development activities on developing expanded CVISN capabilities associated with sharing commercial driver information. The Agency will support other expanded activities through leveraging synergies and opportunities to partner with the appropriate Federal, state, and industry stakeholders.

SAFETEA-LU provides FMCSA $25 million per year from FY 2006-2009 to support CVISN deployment. Each state with a completed CVISN Program Plan is eligible to receive up to $2.5 million for core CVISN deployment. This includes Federal funds received under TEA-21. After a state has been certified as completing core CVISN deployment, it is eligible to receive an additional $1 million to implement expanded CVISN capabilities.

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