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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Letter to Subscribers

February 2005

Dear Subscriber,

Thank you for your interest in the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and Research Activities. We are updating our mailing list, and we need your help.

You can send an E-mail to and let us know that you want to continue receiving the print version of Research Activities each month. We'll take care of the rest.

We hope you are enjoying your free subscription to Research Activities, and we want to continue to send it to you. To make sure your subscription continues without interruption, please send us an E-mail by April 30, 2005. At that time, we will begin updating our mailing list. If we haven't heard from you by then, we will assume you no longer want to receive the print version of Research Activities, and we will take your name off of the list.

Don't delay! Send us an E-mail today!

Thanks for your help!

Managing Editor

P.S. Be sure to include your name, mailing address, and the six-digit subscriber number that appears next to your name on your Research Activities mailing label.

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