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Human Resources


Position Management


The law which governs the classification system clearly places upon agencies the authority and responsibility to establish, classify, and manage their own positions. The need to achieve an economical and effective position structure is critical to the proper and responsible use of limited financial and personnel resources.

Good position management can be defined as a carefully designed position structure which blends the skills and assignments of employees with the goal of successfully carrying out the organization's mission or program. Sound position management reflects a logical balance between employees needed to carry out the major functions of the organization and those needed to provide adequate support; between professional employees and technicians; between fully trained employees and trainees; and between supervisors and subordinates.

Good position management also requires consideration of grade levels for the positions involved. Grades should be commensurate with the work performed to accomplish the organization's mission and should not exceed those grades needed to perform the work of the unit. A carefully designed position structure will result in reasonable and supportable grade levels.

Since supervisors and managers play major roles in the management and classification of subordinate positions, they are responsible for assuring a sound position structure in the organizations they lead. The Federal classification system allows considerable freedom and flexibility for Federal managers to establish an organizational structure that is not only efficient but also cost conscious.

(Reference: Introduction to the Position Classification Standards, TS-93; January 1990).

OPM link to "Position Management Alive and Well in the 21st Century" presentation: