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Today's Date: November 5, 2008     Release Date: September 17, 2008     Next Release Date: December 17, 2008
Earliest Quarter Revised on September 17, 2008: 2008:I

Table 9a. Claims on and Liabilities to Unaffiliated Foreigners Reported by U.S. Nonbanking Concerns Except Securities Brokers1
[Millions of dollars, not seasonally adjusted]
Line (Credits +; decrease in U.S. assets or increase in U.S. liabilities. Debits -; increase in U.S. assets or decrease in U.S. liabilities.) 2007 2008 Amounts

June 30, 2008
A1 Claims, total (table 1, line 53) -46,048 -134,713 80,012 100,043 81,848 25,224 1,077,108
2     Financial claims -45,302 -129,507 80,119 104,310 80,581 29,378 1,026,132
3             Denominated in U.S. dollars -26,162 -109,428 73,658 96,891 97,728 30,269 789,621
4             Denominated in foreign currencies -19,140 -20,079 6,461 7,419 -17,147 -891 236,511
          By instrument:2  
5             Resale agreements -4,750 4,013 1,591 4,772 2,043 1,617 7,196
6             Negotiable certificates of deposit 9 -14 6 -17 3 -9 37
7             Other short-term instruments (including money market
2,157 -1,625 878 118 -336 -23 1,350
8             Deposits -40,978 -70,201 -26,250 49,288 77,603 15,936 621,104
9             Other claims -1,740 -61,680 103,894 50,149 1,268 11,857 396,445
10                 Of which: Financial intermediaries' accounts3 3,641 -58,072 102,680 48,624 2,293 7,937 352,743
          By area:  
11             Europe -41,202 -37,219 29,152 10,034 37,435 25,694 742,133
                  Of which:  
12                     United Kingdom -22,345 -50,259 44,371 -1,426 46,601 42,708 337,510
13                     Germany 6,169 -1,079 1,743 5,196 872 -3,690 47,273
14             Caribbean financial centers4 -3,739 -88,656 49,599 93,087 33,081 5,302 241,667
15             Other -361 -3,632 1,368 1,189 10,065 -1,618 42,332
16     Commercial claims -746 -5,206 -107 -4,267 1,267 -4,154 50,976
17             Denominated in U.S. dollars -1,129 -5,355 -492 -2,862 158 -5,081 47,841
18             Denominated in foreign currencies 383 149 385 -1,405 1,109 927 3,135
          By instrument:  
19             Trade receivables -440 -2,668 -389 -4,850 2,094 -4,281 43,671
20             Advance payments and other claims -306 -2,538 282 583 -827 127 7,305
          By area:  
21             Europe -733 -1,896 324 -146 -78 -2,049 18,844
22             Canada 554 -1,253 529 -1,609 619 -242 4,797
23             Asia 167 -1,639 -471 -2,369 1,222 -301 14,544
24             Other -734 -418 -489 -143 -496 -1,562 12,791
B1 Liabilities, total (table 1, line 68) 90,061 122,476 55,599 -111,846 84,085 -61,972 1,028,706
2     Financial liabilities 87,949 111,324 51,786 -109,875 74,823 -65,125 960,472
3             Denominated in U.S. dollars 78,162 95,364 42,583 -126,360 72,413 -23,460 778,973
4             Denominated in foreign currencies 9,787 15,960 9,203 16,485 2,410 -41,665 181,499
          By instrument:2  
5             Repurchase agreements 2,430 3,767 -10,193 -7,561 -2,738 -390 4,614
6             Short-term instruments -3,949 -953 -2,250 215 2,540 -1,320 6,374
7             Other liabilities 89,468 108,510 64,229 -102,529 75,021 -63,415 949,484
8                 Of which: Financial intermediaries' accounts3 23,863 397 40,878 -39,479 13,924 -1,962 252,540
          By area:  
9             Europe 89,259 73,052 51,108 -98,225 79,248 -55,186 869,853
                  Of which:  
10                     United Kingdom 63,391 65,860 -15,991 -41,810 52,951 -40,861 507,898
11                     Germany -9,401 9,419 1,611 -2,368 9,223 -14,385 100,960
12             Caribbean financial centers4 -1,480 35,807 -454 -10,357 -1,589 -9,197 69,897
13             Other 170 2,465 1,132 -1,293 -2,836 -742 20,722
14     Commercial liabilities 2,112 11,152 3,813 -1,971 9,262 3,153 68,234
15             Denominated in U.S. dollars 1,816 11,326 4,529 -2,317 8,533 3,965 65,052
16             Denominated in foreign currencies 296 -174 -716 346 729 -812 3,182
          By instrument:  
17             Trade payables 1,480 1,017 1,020 -1,479 4,556 5,484 37,772
18             Advance receipts and other liabilities 632 10,135 2,793 -492 4,706 -2,331 30,462
          By area:  
19             Europe 792 3,103 153 233 289 2,160 17,793
20             Canada 417 602 -477 1,368 -285 480 5,846
21             Asia -11 5,266 2,724 -3,440 7,053 -262 30,190
22             Other 914 2,181 1,413 -132 2,205 775 14,405


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Last updated: Wednesday, September 17, 2008