U.S. International Transactions Accounts Data

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Today's Date: November 5, 2008     Release Date: September 17, 2008     Next Release Date: December 17, 2008
Earliest Quarter Revised on September 17, 2008: 2008:I

Table 12. U.S. International Transactions, by Area - Asia and Pacific 26
[Millions of dollars, not seasonally adjusted]
Line (Credits +; debits -) 1 2007 2008
  Current account  
1 Exports of goods and services and income receipts 126,907 133,254 142,455 146,892 147,450 152,891
2     Exports of goods and services 100,507 104,727 111,477 115,518 117,468 122,524
3         Goods, balance of payments basis2 71,055 75,459 78,121 83,613 83,794 88,696
4         Services3 29,452 29,268 33,355 31,906 33,675 33,828
5             Transfers under U.S. military agency sales contracts4 1,164 1,172 883 991 1,409 931
6             Travel 5,444 6,633 7,899 5,408 6,221 7,970
7             Passenger fares 1,455 1,428 1,614 1,728 1,715 2,035
8             Other transportation 4,035 4,260 4,493 4,931 4,969 5,509
9             Royalties and license fees5 4,314 4,561 5,099 5,309 4,880 5,128
10             Other private services5 12,922 11,107 13,259 13,408 14,355 12,136
11             U.S. government miscellaneous services 118 108 109 130 126 120
12     Income receipts 26,400 28,527 30,979 31,373 29,982 30,368
13         Income receipts on U.S.-owned assets abroad 26,301 28,428 30,880 31,273 29,878 30,263
14             Direct investment receipts 15,298 16,731 18,637 19,405 18,101 19,309
15             Other private receipts 10,892 11,544 12,144 11,719 11,687 10,840
16             U.S. government receipts 111 153 99 149 90 114
17         Compensation of employees 99 99 99 100 104 104
18 Imports of goods and services and income payments -228,779 -238,294 -251,590 -255,581 -236,734 -244,964
19     Imports of goods and services -189,771 -196,602 -209,665 -213,384 -197,468 -206,742
20         Goods, balance of payments basis2 -168,232 -174,048 -186,964 -189,318 -172,693 -181,269
21         Services3 -21,539 -22,554 -22,701 -24,067 -24,775 -25,473
22             Direct defense expenditures -1,455 -1,609 -1,507 -1,731 -1,691 -1,741
23             Travel -3,909 -4,246 -3,740 -4,541 -4,576 -4,683
24             Passenger fares -2,357 -2,364 -2,332 -2,549 -2,948 -2,758
25             Other transportation -5,490 -5,844 -6,083 -5,987 -6,025 -6,404
26             Royalties and license fees5 -2,169 -2,017 -2,021 -2,109 -2,082 -2,110
27             Other private services5 -5,987 -6,311 -6,840 -6,976 -7,262 -7,609
28             U.S. government miscellaneous services -172 -163 -178 -174 -191 -168
29     Income payments -39,008 -41,692 -41,924 -42,196 -39,266 -38,222
30         Income payments on foreign-owned assets in the United States -38,624 -41,440 -41,718 -41,828 -38,891 -37,974
31             Direct investment payments -6,023 -7,123 -6,964 -6,816 -4,646 -3,693
32             Other private payments -8,414 -8,718 -9,244 -9,839 -9,443 -9,363
33             U.S. government payments -24,187 -25,599 -25,510 -25,173 -24,802 -24,918
34         Compensation of employees -384 -252 -206 -368 -375 -248
35 Unilateral current transfers, net -5,301 -3,721 -5,014 -6,921 -6,142 -5,816
36     U.S. government grants4 -1,972 -1,232 -1,823 -4,223 -2,097 -2,354
37     U.S. government pensions and other transfers -228 -228 -226 -231 -235 -239
38     Private remittances and other transfers6 -3,101 -2,261 -2,965 -2,467 -3,809 -3,223
  Capital account  
39 Capital account transactions, net -239 -245 -251 -257 -263 -268
  Financial account  
40 U.S.-owned assets abroad, excluding financial derivatives
     (increase/financial outflow (-))
-8,652 -30,259 28,982 -7,312 -11,556 -2,050
41     U.S. official reserve assets -17 -25 -28 -23 -43 -27
42         Gold7 0 0 0 0 0 0
43         Special drawing rights ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
44         Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
45         Foreign currencies -17 -25 -28 -23 -43 -27
46     U.S. government assets, other than official reserve assets 85 134 347 253 122 103
47         U.S. credits and other long-term assets -144 -61 -16 -16 -43 -71
48         Repayments on U.S. credits and other long-term assets8 239 198 343 279 170 176
49         U.S. foreign currency holdings and U.S. short-term assets -10 -3 20 -10 -5 -2
50     U.S. private assets -8,721 -30,368 28,663 -7,542 -11,635 -2,126
51         Direct investment -18,017 -15,325 -15,184 -5,831 -11,340 -16,009
52         Foreign securities -3,966 -3,860 2,677 15,552 -3,247 8,639
53         U.S. claims on unaffiliated foreigners reported by U.S.
             nonbanking concerns
-2,293 -2,627 -748 101 10,435 -893
54         U.S. claims reported by U.S. banks, not included elsewhere 15,555 -8,556 41,918 -17,364 -7,483 6,137
55 Foreign-owned assets in the United States, excluding financial
     derivatives (increase/financial inflow (+))
110,157 151,481 21,071 124,136 164,831 134,413
56     Foreign official assets in the United States 108,755 63,499 -15,388 73,923 98,624 85,030
57         U.S. government securities ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 )
58             U.S. Treasury securities9 ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 )
59             Other10 ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 )
60         Other U.S. government liabilities11 994 254 1,088 3,512 1,104 1,245
61         U.S. liabilities reported by U.S. banks, not included elsewhere ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 )
62         Other foreign official assets12 ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 )
63     Other foreign assets in the United States 1,402 87,982 36,459 50,213 66,207 49,383
64         Direct investment 8,819 12,169 13,160 15,013 15,487 17,185
65         U.S. Treasury securities ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 )
66         U.S. securities other than U.S. Treasury securities 4,194 40,156 11,069 22,326 17,519 14,740
67         U.S. currency n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
68         U.S. liabilities to unaffiliated foreigners reported by U.S.
             nonbanking concerns
( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 ) ( 17 )
69         U.S. liabilities reported by U.S. banks, not included elsewhere -5,554 25,324 34,894 13,320 -4,698 21,825
70 Financial derivatives, net -605 -944 -1,475 -1,453 -5,003 n.a.
71 Statistical discrepancy (sum of above items with sign reversed)14 6,512 -11,273 65,821 496 -52,583 -34,205
72 Balance on goods (lines 3 and 20) -97,177 -98,590 -108,843 -105,705 -88,899 -92,573
73 Balance on services (lines 4 and 21) 7,913 6,715 10,654 7,839 8,899 8,355
74 Balance on goods and services (lines 2 and 19) -89,264 -91,875 -98,189 -97,866 -80,000 -84,218
75 Balance on income (lines 12 and 29) -12,609 -13,165 -10,945 -10,823 -9,284 -7,854
76 Unilateral current transfers, net (line 35) -5,301 -3,721 -5,014 -6,921 -6,142 -5,816
77 Balance on current account (lines 1, 18, and 35 or lines 74, 75, and 76)13 -107,173 -108,760 -114,149 -115,610 -95,426 -97,889


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Last updated: Wednesday, September 17, 2008