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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


AHRQ Pediatric Quality Indicators Software and Documentation Is Available

AHRQ's Pediatric Quality Indicators (PedQIs) module, Version 3.0, the software and documentation, are now available for download or viewing on the AHRQ Quality Indicators site at

The PedQIs are indicators of children's health care utilizing inpatient administrative data and are designed to help hospitals examine both the quality of inpatient care and the quality of outpatient care that can be inferred from inpatient data, such as potentially preventable hospitalizations. The module consists of 13 provider-level indicators, such as iatrogenic pneumothorax in at-risk neonates and non-neonates and postoperative respiratory failure, plus 5 area-level indicators, including admission rates for children with asthma, diabetes, short-term complications, and gastroenteritis.

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