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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Research Activities

July 2000, No. 239


About Research Activities

Feature Story

One-third of heart attack patients delay seeking care because they don't have chest pain

Clinical Decisionmaking

Missed diagnosis of heart attack or angina in 2 percent of ER patients is usually due to atypical symptoms
Individual patient factors determine whether a special diet or medication is best for patients with high cholesterol
Urologists and radiation oncologists agree on some aspects of prostate cancer treatment but not on which treatment is best
Apgar scores found to be useful in assessing premature newborns

Primary Care

Urinary incontinence is associated with the risk of depression among the elderly
Training in continuous quality improvement may not improve preventive services in primary care clinics

Outcomes/Effectiveness Research

Studies examine school and health problems of teenagers who weighed 1 to 2 pounds at birth
Type of anesthesia has little effect on outcomes for patients undergoing hip fracture repair surgery

Evidence-based Medicine

Screening for cervical cancer every 3 to 5 years with the conventional Pap test remains effective
Newer and older antidepressants are equally effective for treating major depression in adults, but side effects differ
AHRQ releases four new evidence reports

Health Care Costs and Financing

Higher risk of out-of-pocket health care expenses is associated with an increased risk of premature death among the elderly
Researchers examine factors influencing health insurers' coverage of new genetic technologies

Emergency Medicine

Researchers examine use of emergency medical services and hospitalization for children with special needs

Special Populations

Sexual assault is a major problem for homeless women, which often correlates with physical and mental health problems

Agency News and Notes

AHRQ institutes new Kerr White Visiting Scholar Program


AHRQ announces priority interests for grant-supported research
Position available
HHS releases new Public Health Service guideline on smoking cessation
New MEPS methodology reports are now available from AHRQ
Reprints available
AHRQ announces availability of ambulatory surgery databases
AHRQ funds new projects
AHRQ to cosponsor conference on working conditions and patient safety

Research Briefs

Current as of July 2000
AHRQ Publication No. 00-0045

Internet Citation:

Research Activities newsletter. July 2000, No. 239. AHRQ Publication No. 00-0045. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care