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    Title: Elements of an Effective Safety and Health Program
    Type: Text Slide with Images

    1989 Voluntary Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines

    [Includes six photos, three in a row along the top: a downward pointing triangle, with a shadow; two men in hard has, one in a white shirt and tie and another in coveralls, both men holding a large sheet of paper; and three persons seated at a round table having a discussion. The title is then followed by three more images, a magnifying glass; a caution sign with the text "Caution" separated by a line from the text "Do Not Handle Chemicals Without Proper Protection"; and a final image with a silhouette of a man with a pointer in front of a whiteboard addressing figures of people at a table]


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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210
Page last updated: 01/29/2008