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 You are in: Under Secretary for Management > Bureau of Diplomatic Security > Investigating Passport and Visa Fraud > Other DS Investigative Activities 
Under Secretary for Management
Bureau of Diplomatic Security
Investigating Passport and Visa Fraud
Other DS Investigative Activities
Personnel Security Background Investigations

Personnel Security Background Investigations

A DS investigator, left, questions a job candidates neighbor, right.Most positions at the State Department are designated as sensitive and require a full-field background investigation and an update investigaton every 5 years. DS investigators conduct personnel security investigations of all employees, applicants, contractors, and others seeking access to Department of State information and facilities.

Special agents in charge of domestic field offices manage the extensive background investigation program within the United States. Overseas, DS's regional security officers are responsible for assisting in investigative leads for stateside background investigations as well as managing background investigations for personnel assigned to their regions.

About 20, 000 personnel security investigations are conducted each year. To learn more about personnel security background investigations, review All About Security Clearances.


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