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Under Secretary for Management
Bureau of Diplomatic Security
Investigating Passport and Visa Fraud
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 - How Passport and Visa Fraud Relate to Identity Fraud
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Investigating Passport and Visa Fraud

Two U.S. passports collected as evidence.The DS Criminal Investigative Division conducts criminal investigations into violations of passport and visa fraud. These federal felonies are often committed in connection with more serious crimes, such as international terrorism, narcotics trafficking, organized crime, alien smuggling, money laundering, pedophilia, and murder. These investigations are critical to the President's efforts to secure American borders and protect the national security of the United States.


 The U.S. passport is the most valuable identity document in the world as it establishes American citizenship and allows its bearer unlimited access to virtually every country in the world. People who attempt to obtain a U.S. passport illegally often are seeking to change their identities and conceal their activities and movements. The division's Passport Fraud Branch coordinates and facilitates investigations involving the fraudulent issuance, acquisition, and use of U.S. passports. The Criminal Investigative Division liaises with other bureaus in the State Department and other federal government agencies and state and local law enforcement authorities to further the passport fraud investigation process.


The U.S. visa permits a traveler to enter the United States for a specific purpose, such as work or tourism. Countless people attempt to obtain U.S. visas illegally each year. The division's Visa Fraud Branch investigates and coordinates international visa fraud cases including fraudulent issuance, procurement, counterfeiting, and forgery of U.S. visas and works with the Bureau of Consular Affairs on cases involving allegations of corruption by American and Foreign Service national embassy employees, fraudulent document vendors, bribery, and alien smuggling and trafficking involving U.S. visas. The division manages the Russian Business Investigations Initiative to combat Russian and Eurasian organized crime groups seeking entry into the United States. Since the September 11 terrorist attacks, the division has participated in investigations of suspected terrorists and associates of the hijackers who obtained U.S. visas.


Passport and visa fraud is a federal offense punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $250,000. If the offense is connected to narcotics trafficking, the prison sentence is increased to up to 15 years, and 20 years if connected to international terrorism.             

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