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The President's Environmental Youth Awards Program

PEYA 2001 Winners

The President's Environmental Youth Awards (PEYA) program is EPA's way of encouraging students enrolled in grades K-12 to participate in a community project that has a positive environmental impact. Young people can work individually or in groups; each project requires a responsible adult to act as a sponsor. EPA will prepare a certificate signed by the President for each participant.

Late each year, EPA reviews the applications and picks one regional project for national recognition early in the following calendar year. The winners from the 10 regions are honored in a ceremony in Washington, DC. The Pacific Southwest's 2007 winner Otana Jakpor, a 13-year-old student at Woodcrest Christian High School in Riverside, Calif.

For more information on applying and to learn more about recent national winners, please visit EPA's main PEYA page.

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