BAM! Body and Mind
Physical Activity

Play It Safe
Snow Skiing

snow skiing ImageIf you can, sign up for lessons from a ski school, even if you've taken lessons before — your instructor can teach you all the right moves, for beginners as well as for more advanced students.

The key to skiing is control of your equipment and your speed. If you feel yourself start to lose control, fall onto your backside or your side and don't attempt to get up until you stop sliding.

The easiest way to get hurt while skiing is to try a run or a move that is too hard. Always ski on trails that match your skill level and never attempt a jumping move, or other trick, unless taught by an instructor.

Did you know that it is just as important to drink water when you are active in the cold as in the heat? Why? Higher altitudes and colder air can cause your body to lose water. If you experience dizziness or have dry mouth, headache or muscle cramps, take a water break. A good rule would be to drink water or sports drinks before, during, and after your ski runs.

Always check the snow conditions of the slope before you go up — you'll need to ski differently in icy conditions than you would if you were on wet snow or in deep powder.

Altitude can zap your energy. Don't push it. Ski the easier runs later in the day when you are tired. Most importantly — know when to quit.

While on the slopes, set a meeting time and place to check in with your parents or friends. And always ski with a buddy. And wear plenty of sunblock, because those rays are strong on the mountain due to high altitude and reflection off the snow.

Be sure to keep the Responsibility Code for Skiers in mind:

Always stay in control and be able to stop or avoid other people or objects.

People ahead of you have the right of way. It is your responsibility to avoid them.

Do not stop where you obstruct a trail or are not visible from above.

Whenever starting downhill or merging into a trail, look uphill and yield to others.

Always use devices to help prevent runaway equipment.

Observe all posted signs and warnings. Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas.

Before using any lift, you must have the knowledge and ability to load, ride, and unload safely.

Finally, watch out for the sun! Wear a t-shirt and sunscreen to make sure you don't get sunburned.

Check out more info on snow skiing!
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30333, U.S.A
Tel: (404) 639-3311 / Public Inquiries: (404) 639-3534 / (800) 311-3435