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Diplomatic Security's Train-the-Trainer Course Fully Accredited in FLETA Assessment

Bureau of Diplomatic Security, U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC
November 27, 2006

Contact: Kendal Smith
Telephone: 571-345-2509
FAX: 571-345-2527

Training Division Lauded by Federal Law Enforcement Evaluation Team

Diplomatic Security Training Divisions Steven Swanson, Meredith Cross, Charlene Lamb and David Benson with the FLETA certificate, Nov. 16, 2006. (DEPARTMENT OF STATE PHOTO)
Diplomatic Security Training Division's Steven Swanson, Meredith Cross, Charlene Lamb and David Benson with the FLETA certificate, Nov. 16, 2006. (DEPARTMENT OF STATE PHOTO)
The U.S. State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security's Train-the-Trainer course was in complete compliance and fully accredited November 16, 2006, by the Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation (FLETA) Board.

The Train-the-Trainer course - offered by the Diplomatic Security (DS) Office of Training and Performance Support - prepares staff members to be effective instructors. The FLETA assessment team found the course to be in compliance with all 60 standards. In addition, the assessment team specifically lauded three "Best Practices" in the DS course: technically sophisticated approaches to maintaining curriculum materials, conducting evaluations and providing new employees with a computer-based orientation.

"We are very proud of the FLETA Board's no-discrepancy evaluation for our Train-the-Trainer course. This accreditation recognizes that our instructor certification course fulfills all FLETA requirements and demonstrates that the DS training curriculum achieves excellence from start to finish," said Special Agent Charlene Lamb, Assistant Director for Training for Diplomatic Security.

FLETA was formed in 2000 to create law enforcement training standards within the federal law enforcement community. To achieve accreditation, agencies must be in compliance with all 60 of FLETA's standards. The assessment team that reviewed the Train-the-Trainer program came from the Federal Air Marshal Service, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and the United States Postal Inspection Service.

Diplomatic Security became the first federal law enforcement agency to have a training academy accredited by FLETA in September 2005. The DS Office of Training and Performance Support also received program accreditation for the Basic Special Agent Course in March 2006.

The Bureau of Diplomatic Security is the U.S. Department of State's law enforcement and security arm. The special agents, engineers, and security professionals of the Bureau are responsible for the security of 285 U.S. diplomatic facilities around the world. In the United States, Diplomatic Security personnel investigate passport and visa fraud, conduct personnel security investigations, and protect the U.S. Secretary of State and high-ranking foreign dignitaries and officials visiting the United States. More information about the U.S. Department of State and the Bureau of Diplomatic Security may be obtained at

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