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OPM Names DS Personnel Security Clearance Office Tops in 2006

Bureau of Diplomatic Security, U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC
October 20, 2006

OPM Honors DS Personnel Security and Suitability Office for Innovation and Efficiency

Federal Investigative Services Division Associate Director Kathy L. Dillamon, Diplomatic Security's PSS Chief Jim Onusko, OPM Director Linda M. Springer, and Diplomatic Security's SI Chief Don Reid at the OPM Guardian Award presentation, Oct. 18, 2006
Federal Investigative Services Division Associate Director Kathy L. Dillamon, Diplomatic Security's PSS Chief Jim Onusko, OPM Director Linda M. Springer, and Diplomatic Security's SI Chief Don Reid at the OPM Guardian Award presentation, Oct. 18, 2006

The Bureau of Diplomatic Security’s Office of Personnel Security and Suitability (PSS) has been named the 2006 recipient of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Guardian Award for its innovative and cost-effective approach to conducting personnel background investigations.

In presenting the award Oct. 18, 2006, OPM Director Linda Springer cited PSS’ success in worldwide deployment of the Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP) — the federal government’s online security-clearance application processing system.

"The professionals in the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security should be proud of their contributions that have cut the security clearance timeline by more than 50 percent," said Springer. "Their commitment to technology, including the use of OPM’s e-QIP system, enabled the Department to fill critical personnel needs in Baghdad and other hot spots around the world and underscores their professionalism and commitment to mission."

PSS has developed such efficiency with the e-QIP process that it has even mentored other agencies, such as the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Agency and others, in using the online system.

"OPM has often referred other agency representatives to perform training with our staff to learn the ins and outs of how to deploy e-QIP," says PSS Executive Assistant Margery Gehan.

PSS conducts investigations on applicants, employees and contractors for the Department of State, as well as other federal agencies. PSS also provides information to the Department’s Bureau of Human Resources that may help determine an applicant's initial, or an incumbent's continued, suitability for employment.

DS is chartered by law to perform overseas investigative coverage for US Government federal agencies and PSS routinely conducts security clearance investigations in the overseas environment because many Department of State employees come due for their security-clearance renewal while working abroad. In addition to 160 employees at Diplomatic Security headquarters in Washington and 600 field investigators throughout the United States, PSS has access to Regional Security Officers at 260 posts around the world who investigate security clearance cases.

The OPM Guardian Award is the second major award won by the PSS staff in less than a year. In November 2005, PSS Director James C. Onusko was named 2005 Diplomatic Security Employee of the Year for leading a reform effort that turned DS’ security-clearance process into one of the fastest and most efficient within the federal government.

"Jim and his leadership team have repeatedly demonstrated their commitment to innovative solutions, transparency in their processes and stellar customer service. I think this Guardian Award is worthy testament to the importance of that vision," said Don Reid, Diplomatic Security’s Senior Coordinator for Security Infrastructure who oversees PSS and two other offices within DS. "OPM, through its Federal Investigative Services Division, also sets the investigative and process standards for the federal community, and this award is further validation that Jim and his folks bring true value to the Department of State."

Springer delivered the award to Reid at a meeting of the Background Investigations Stakeholders Group — an inter-agency group of federal organizations involved in conducting personnel background investigations for security clearances.

Springer also recognized PSS for its success in improving the efficiency of its security clearance process: PSS is now processing 37% more cases per year in 24% less time and at a per-unit cost of $113 less than that of three years ago.

Under Onusko’s leadership, PSS achieved these improvements through such innovations as the creation of its Customer Service Center for security-clearance inquiries; internet and intranet Web sites to provide up-to-date information to applicants and employees up for renewal; implementation of the e-QIP system for new hires in April 2005 – fully one year ahead of the mandatory April 1, 2006 deadline set by Office of Budget and Management; and development of a Web-based investigative reporting program — the Report Management System — that provides all users with real-time access to all pending investigations.

As an added bonus, as a recipient of the Guardian Award, PSS has earned the privilege of sitting on the committee that will select next year’s winner.

Competition for the award was tough. Other contenders included security-clearance investigative offices of the Department of Interior, the Transportation Security Administration, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Established in 1998, the OPM Guardian Award is presented annually to a federal personnel security office for its outstanding work in developing cost-effective and original solutions to national federal security needs.

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