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May 10, 2006

Bureau of Diplomatic Security
U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC


Queens, New York native Jim Minor, a U.S. Department of State Diplomatic Security (DS) Special Agent currently serving in Bangkok, Thailand, was honored today by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), for his work in locating a kidnapped child and returning him to his father in San Antonio, Texas. The National Missing Children’s Award was presented to Diplomatic Security Service Director Joe D. Morton on Minor’s behalf at a breakfast on Wednesday, May 10 in Washington, DC. Agent Minor filmed a brief message which was played at the breakfast in which he thanked NCMEC for their assistance in getting the child home.

The case involved federal and state officials in the US and in Thailand, as well as the cooperation of Thai immigration and police authorities in Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand. Minor’s successful resolution of this parental kidnapping case is made more remarkable by the fact that the boy, six years old, was returned to family members in the US only 11 days after Minor received the initial notification of the case.

Minor has been with Diplomatic Security since 1991. He served in the DS New York Field Office twice doing criminal and terrorism investigation, including the 9/11 attack investigation team, as well as in Sarajevo, Bosnia, and Washington DC. He is currently serving as the Deputy Regional Security Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok.

Agent Minor has received several prior U.S. Department of State awards including a Group Valor Award (Mogadishu, Somalia 1993), Group Honor Award (UN 50th Anniversary 1997), Group and Individual Meritorious Honor Awards (Thailand tsunami 2004 and New York Field Office 1995), five Meritorious Step awards, and nominations for Individual Valor Award (Somalia, 1993) and DS Security Officer of the Year (2001). His other notable awards include the Department of Justice Attorney General’s Excellence in Investigation Team Award (2002), FBI Director’s Outstanding Investigator (2002), Federal Law Enforcement Foundation Outstanding Investigator of the Year (1997), and Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Unit Citation (1995).

Special Agent Minor graduated from McClancy High School in Queens, New York, served in the U.S. Air Force, and received a Business Administration degree from Baruch College in 1988 with a major in finance and investments.

Diplomatic Security is a worldwide law enforcement and security arm of the U.S. Department of State with special agents assigned to U.S. diplomatic missions overseas and field offices throughout the United States. Diplomatic Security special agents conduct passport and visa fraud investigations worldwide and are responsible for security at 285 U.S. diplomatic facilities around the world.

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