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March 3, 2006

Bureau of Diplomatic Security
U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC


On March 1, 2006, the U.S. Department of State’s Diplomatic Security Service assisted in the return of Raymund Dominguez from the Philippines to Fairfax County, Virginia, where he is wanted for child molestation.

Dominguez had fled the United States using his U.S. passport and arrived in the Philippines on February 12, 2005. According to investigative sources, Dominguez was residing with his grandparents in Manila when he was captured. U.S. Embassy Manila’s Diplomatic Security office received a request from State Department headquarters in Washington, DC, in October 2005 to locate Dominguez and facilitate his apprehension by Philippines country law enforcement.

Cooperation among American and Philippine law enforcement agencies was excellent. Embassy Manila’s Diplomatic Security office ascertained Dominguez’s whereabouts and coordinated this information with the Philippines National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and with Fairfax County Police. Fairfax County Police then contacted the U.S. Marshals Service who lodged an unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution (UFAP) warrant on Dominguez.

On Monday February 6, 2006, agents from the Philippines National Anti-Crime Task Force (NACTAF) apprehended U.S. fugitive Dominguez as he departed his residence in Las Pinas City, Manila, Philippines. NACTAF passed custody of Dominguez to the Bureau of Immigration to proceed with the deportation process. Dominguez was then deported to Guam on February 8, 2006.

Greg Starr, Acting Director of the Diplomatic Security Service, said, "This case illustrates the excellent cooperation between the Government of the Philippines and the Diplomatic Security Service. This is but one of many cases where we’ve worked together in returning fugitives to justice, both to the United States and the Philippines."

The Bureau of Diplomatic Security is the worldwide law enforcement and security arm of the U.S. Department of State with special agents assigned to U.S. diplomatic missions overseas and field offices throughout the United States. Diplomatic Security special agents conduct passport and visa fraud investigations worldwide and are responsible for security at 285 U.S. diplomatic facilities around the world. 

Brian Leventhal
(571) 345-2499

Cell: (202) 997-5747

Special Agent Robert Karpowski

632-528-6300 x2163


[Released by the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, Public Affairs]

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