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Human Resources

Pay & Leave

Pay & Leave Team

Functional Responsibilities

  • Leave Transfer Program
  • Leave Restoration Program
  • Oversees the TINQ function (National Finance Center's Time Inquiry System) for making adjustments to leave balances
  • Provide policy guidance to all REE timekeepers and the time and attendance software, serve as liason for the National Finance Center and REE customers
  • Serve as advisors for all issues pertaining to pay and leave policy and procedures
  • Provide training in all the above areas as appropriate

Ted Nykiel
Supervisory, Human Resources Specialist

Section Head, Pay & Leave Staff

Terri Ponte
Human Resources Specialist
Leave Error Analysis
Pay & Leave Policy
Provides technical support and guidance for T&A, pay, and leave inquiries
(301) 504-1474

Michelyn Boyd
Human Resources Specialist
Leave Transfer Program
Leave Restoration Policy
STAR Leave Audit Training
Provides technical support and guidance for T&A, pay, and leave inquiries
(301) 504-1466

Laura O’Hare
Personnel Assistant

Leave Transfer Program Coordinator
Provides service to NASS, ARS (BA, PWA, SPA, MSA, HQ)
Provides technical support and guidance for T&A, pay, and leave inquiries


Monetta Harvey
Personnel Assistant
Leave Transfer Program Coordinator
Provides service to ERS, CSREES, ARS (HQ, NAL, NAA, MWA, NPA, SAA)
Provides technical support and guidance for T&A, pay, and leave inquiries
(301) 504-1457

Last updated on 06/09/2008